[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Font Metrics in OpenJDK vs Sun JDK

Ben Loud Ben.Loud at rlmgroup.com.au
Thu Jun 12 10:21:56 UTC 2008

2D Folk,
Since working with OpenJDK, I've notice that text just doesnt look right. I made a simple comparison between Sun's JDK6 and OpenJDK see: http://benloud.com/fonts.png You can see there are clearly significant differences in the horizontal character spacing, particularly noticable in "Beagle" and "Spirit", and also the heights are different. I also compared the font metrics of a string:
For Tahoma, plain, 11pt, "The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Dog."
AWT FontMetrics:
           Ascent  Descent Leading Height  String Width
Sun JDK:     11       3       0      14        241
OpenJDK:     11       3      -1      13        265
         Ascent       Descent     Leading   Advance    Bounds
Sun JDK:  11.005371   2.2719727     0.0      240.0   [x=0.0,y=-8.359375,w=238.29688,h=10.625]
OpenJDK:  11.0          3.0        -1.0      264.0   [x=0.0,y=0.0,w=263.29688,h=18.453125]
Again you can see there are significant differences, particularly in the advances and bounds, and the -1 for leading is a bit odd.
Will it be possible to get metrics that are consistent with Suns JDK? Because right now, Swing apps on OpenJDK look quite wrong to me. 
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