[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [PATCH FOR REVIEW] Fixed linux.fontconfig.Fedora.properties

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Tue May 29 19:04:47 UTC 2012

Looks like you are right. Its 4 years since the relevant code went in to 
but I had remembered the intent as being that distro+major version needed to
match on Linux. So on any RHEL 6 update  RHEL.6.properties and 
RHEL6.1.properties should
all result in a hit but not RHEL.properties. Maybe I decided instead 
that the smoke test to verify
that at least some of the files were present was sufficient and useful 
to help cases
where we didn't want to be forced to provide ones for each version.

Still, for JDK 7 and 8 perhaps you'd be better off to delete all the 
files to escape the maintenance
After checking that the result of "fc-match -s sans" etc is close to 
what you'd hard code anyway ..

BTW I don't think JCK can validly test this since there's no conformance 
to have any particular international language support for display.


On 5/25/2012 4:19 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> On 05/24/2012 06:14 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>> How did you verify this ? I ask because this file will be (or should 
>> be!)
>> completely ignored by JDK 7 and 8, since it does not have a name that
>> precisely references Fedora.16 - ie distro AND variant.
> I have testfile which generate few hundred Chinese/Indian/Korean/Japan 
> chars in bold/italic/normal and in different styles 
> (Serif/Sanserif/Dialog....). Without my patch a lot of characters were 
> not rendered correctly. With - only two of them have failed. Imho - it 
> would be nice to have it in jck.
> AFIK there is fall back in fontocnfig - it tries  
> linux.fontconfig.Fedora.VERSION.properties  first, if not found then 
> linux.fontconfig.Fedora.properties if nto found then 
> linux.fontconfig.roperties (if  not found then  
> fontconfig.properties?).  For icedtea6 I have patched 
> jdk/make/sun/awt/Makefile to have
> linux.fontconfig.Fedora.properties as default with configuration for 
> most recent fedora and had copies with older Fedoras' fontconfigs. Yah 
> - a lot of maintenance! We had also patch to support subversions (eg 
> linux.fontconfig.Rhel.6.3.properties x 
> linux.fontconfig.Rhel.6.2.properties x 
> linux.fontconfig.Rhel.6.properties x linux.fontconfig.Rhel.properties)
> Because I have not seen something similar in Openjdk7 i used this 
> default - linux.fontconfig.Fedora.properties and it worked as expected.
>> In general I am not sure there is even a point to maintaining this 
>> file since
>> we have code in JDK 7 that pulls the logical font definitions from 
>> /usr/lib/fontconfig
>> APIs at runtime and so we should match the native desktop without the 
>> maintenance
>> burden.
> This is awesome! Thanx so much for finally replacing java's 
> "artificial font configuration".  When this change will reach release? 
> Maybe  I can push my change to used branches only...
> But for sure I will follow your advices.
>> The only reason I can think of for having these files any more is if 
>> you consciously
>> want something very different than GTK/Qt/etc is using ..
> I definitely don't think this is what I want:)
> J.
>> -phil.
>> On 5/24/2012 12:45 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> http://jvanek.fedorapeople.org/oracle/jdk7/webrev/ and
>>> http://jvanek.fedorapeople.org/oracle/jdk8/webrev/ (actually they 
>>> are same) are my fixes for
>>> Fedora's fontconfig.
>>> They are sync with newest stable release.
>>> Although this is my first contribution to OpenJDK I have pushed this 
>>> change to IcedTea6 already
>>> some time ago.
>>> I have successfully tested this on OpenJDK7 head i386 and x86_64. I 
>>> was not able to verify jdk8
>>> because I have failed to Build OpenJDK8 (But I'm working on it!), 
>>> but AFAIK the fontconfig
> Still not done. Few time left and gcc in f17 behaving out of my scope :(.
>>> algorithm have not changed.
>>> Also I have noticed that there is no 
>>> linux.fontconfig.Rhel.properties. I have handled this one for
>>> IcedTea6 too. How do you see possible addition of this file?
>>> Looking forward to contribute to OpenJDK7/8
>>> Best regards
>>> Jiri Vanek

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