[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] 7u25 kills 'blit' performance for any custom ColorModel class

Keith Kriewall Keith.Kriewall at Attachmate.com
Tue Jul 2 17:13:04 UTC 2013

Hi 2d Devs,

The addition of BufferedImage.isStandard() has absolutely killed drawing performance for our application.  BufferedImage types that used to be set to optimized types (e.g. TYPE_INT_BGR) are now set to TYPE_CUSTOM, due solely to the classloader used to load the class.  It appears that unless we load our subclasses of ColorModel via the bootclassloader, we're stuck.  I've posted 9004714 to Oracle's bug database with a test app.

Can anyone on this list comment on this change in 7u25, provide a workaround, and/or provide a fix to bug 9004714 for future 7u releases?


Keith Kriewall
Software Developer
705 5th Ave S, Suite 1100
Seattle, WA 98104  USA
keith.kriewall at attachmate.com<mailto:keith.kriewall at attachmate.com>
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