[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR 8144446: Automate the Marlin crash test

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 22:51:52 UTC 2015

Excellent !

It seems to me that my bug sprint on Marlin is done except the new one
created as a follow-up.

Please push them all !

I will now work on other improvements:
- Png compression (in progress)
- handling NaN / huge coords in Marlin

Thanks for all reviews,

Le 10 déc. 2015 23:26, "Jim Graham" <james.graham at oracle.com> a écrit :

> Looks good...
> I ran it both ways and got similar run times...
>                 ...jim
> On 12/10/15 1:14 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> Here is the updated webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lbourges/marlin/marlin-8144446.3/
>>     The fix looks correct, but one thing I would tend to do for
>>     robustness is that in an error case, rather than duplicate the logic
>>     that was skipped (which can get out of date if we later change how
>>     the bounds*Y variables are calculated), I would just hardcode the
>>     bounds*Y variables to the worst case min/max so that we do a
>>     complete fill on the variables.  For error cases it is less
>>     interesting to optimize out every memory store and more interesting
>>     to make sure that we robustly restore the state.  Another option
>>     would be to move the bounds logic to a separate function that is
>>     called in both the error and the success cases?
>> Fixed: I agree it is better to clear completely bucket arrays.
>>     For the test, you can have multiple test tags and include an @ignore
>>     so that the primary tests are run every time and the ones after the
>>     ignore are only run if someone runs with "-ignore:run".  That makes
>>     them runnable from the command line without having to edit the test:
>>     @run main/othervm -mx512m CrashTest
>>     @ignore tests that take a long time
>>     @run main/othervm -mx512m CrashTest -slow
>>     The first line would be run in all cases, the second line would only
>>     be run if they specify "-ignore:run" on the command line.
>> Fixed: I adopted your approach and it works well:
>> ----------messages:(3/129)----------
>> command: main -mx512m CrashTest
>> reason: User specified action: run main/othervm -mx512m CrashTest
>> elapsed time (seconds): 8.318
>> ----------messages:(3/150)----------
>> command: main -ms4g -mx4g CrashTest -slow
>> reason: User specified action: run main/othervm -ms4g -mx4g CrashTest
>> -slow
>> elapsed time (seconds): 49.777
>>     The only down side is that the tests after the @ignore are shown on
>>     the final statistics as "errors" which seems kind of melodramatic,
>>     but that's why the "-ignore:quiet" option exists.  There are quite a
>>     few tests in the java hierarchy with an @ignore tag, though, often
>>     talking about extreme memory requirements so this is nothing new.
>>     This would be the first in the sun/java2d hierarchy, though...
>> I enabled also the huge image test that consumes ~5Gb and it passes on
>> my laptop (16Gb).
>> Cheers,
>> Laurent
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