[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: JDK-8160664 JVM crashed with font manager on Solaris 12

Alexey Ivanov alexey.ivanov at oracle.com
Tue Jul 26 05:35:54 UTC 2016

Hi Martin,

The fix looks fine.

On 25.07.2016 20:30, Phil Race wrote:
> On 07/25/2016 07:14 AM, Martin Walsh wrote:
>> On 07/22/16 05:59 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> That looks  reasonable .. but before an OK I would like to see the
>>> results of running the test case in
>>> the bug report after that fix. Run the test case with
>>> -Dsun.java2d.debugfonts=true so we can see
>>> what the JDK is doing internally. You can add the log to the bug 
>>> report.
>> Thanks, I have attached the output of this to the bug.
> I took a look through these and "no surprises", so the fix seems fine 
> (approved).
> Do you need me to push this for you ?

Thank you Phil!

I will push it for Martin.


>>> Basically fontconfig is also likely to be subsequently invoked to build
>>> the list of real fonts underlying
>>> the logical font names (eg JDK sansserif which is the equivalent of
>>> fontconfig's sans).
>>> I suspect they will all end up just falling back to the Lucida Sans
>>> Regular font shipped with JDK.
>>> But for OpenJDK that won't be there .. so you may also want to see what
>>> happens if you
>>> then delete (move elsewhere) that font from jdk/lib/fonts. Maybe not a
>>> VM crash but a Java NPE perhaps
>>> as no fonts at all is not a supportable configuration.
>> Yes, you get a NPE.
>> # java Family
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
> ...
> Yes, this is what I expected there. Perhaps we should be throwing some 
> other kind
> of exception here ..  if there really are no fonts anywhere .. but 
> that is beyond the
> immediate scope of this fix.
> -phil.

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