[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: 8162488: JDK should be updated to use LittleCMS 2.8

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Tue Jul 26 06:16:08 UTC 2016

On 7/25/16, 10:51 PM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
> Just curious,
> cmscgats.c#why snprintf(Buffer, 1023,...) is used for a buffer of 1024 
> bytes.
> snprintf says, The generated string has a length of at most n-1, 
> leaving space for the additional terminating null character so if we 
> specify 1023, then 1022 bytes will be copied and 1023th byte will be 
> terminating null character.

Not sure. A harmless abundance of caution ? ..
> cmsgamma.c copyright year is not modified.


> cmslut.c., cmsmtrx.c, has 2 extra lines at the end

I noticed a few. I intend to leave them unless jcheck objects.
Minimum differences from upstream ..


> but I understand we take this lib as it is from open source so 
> probably ok and if that is the case, +1 fro me.
> Regards
> Prasanta
> On 7/26/2016 2:14 AM, Phil Race wrote:
>> The alpha support does not affect JDK .. you need to set a flag to 
>> enable it - else the new
>> code just returns -  and we do not set this (new) flag.
>> Something to investigate maybe, but no immediate or necessary impact 
>> that I see.
>> -phil.
>> On 07/25/2016 01:42 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>> On 25.07.16 22:41, Phil Race wrote:
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8162488
>>>> Webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prr/8162488
>>>> LCMS 2.8 has been released. JDK should keep up to date.
>>>> I have verified via JPRT that the updated version builds cleanly on 
>>>> all
>>>> platforms.
>>>> Also ran Java2Demo and graphics/imaging/color regression tests to 
>>>> verify
>>>> no new problems there.
>>>> This should be backported to JDK 8u once it has been integrated to 9.
>>> Looks fine.
>>>> The alpha support is the main new feature.
>>> Is it affects the jdk functionality? If yes then should we provide 
>>> some test to check, if not then should we use this feature somehow?

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