[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Rendering images from PDF files slower in OpenJDK

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Thu Oct 4 21:24:49 UTC 2018

I might be losing it, but I am 99% sure that LCMS is the color 
conversion engine in 8.
KCMS was there only for backup. You'd have to know the magic flag to get 
it and
no one has said anything to the effect that they are using it.


On 10/4/18, 11:33 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> Phil,
> I wondered if ang RenderingHint defaults changed since 8...
> Moreover I started playing with linux perf + jit agent and it is easy 
> than before wigh oprofile + jvmtiagent.
> I noticed that OracleJDK8 uses KCMS and OpenJDK11 uses LCMS for color 
> conversion as does OpenJDK8, that could explain the performance gap.
> Finally PDFImage test is run only once so the overhead may come from 
> warmup (jit, g1)...
> More later,
> Laurent
> Le jeu. 4 oct. 2018 à 20:03, Phil Race <philip.race at oracle.com 
> <mailto:philip.race at oracle.com>> a écrit :
>     On 10/03/2018 11:58 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     I will get the code and add debugging logs: env & system
>>     properties and java2d RenderingHints.
>     The code in pdfbox passes null for the hints. So there should be
>     no difference attributable to that.
>     -phil.
>>     I suspect these hints are different or have a noticiable impact:
>>     color interpolation & rendering quality.
>>     I suppose the backend corresponds to software loops but some 2d
>>     operations can be accelerated ?
>>     Anyway I will push any change in the code.
>>     PS: I can run linux perf to profile both java & native code....
>>     Cheers,
>>     Laurent
>>     Le jeu. 4 oct. 2018 à 07:50, Daniel Persson
>>     <mailto.woden at gmail.com <mailto:mailto.woden at gmail.com>> a écrit :
>>         Hi Philip and Laurent.
>>         I've talked with Tilman and Andreas from the PDFBox team and
>>         they see similar connections to the ColorConvertOp filter but
>>         wanted to try with one of the images of the PDF as a raster.
>>         As we try different things I thought it good for
>>         collaboration to create a repository with the code so all can
>>         contribute.
>>         https://github.com/kalaspuffar/ColorConvTest
>>         I've run the 3 different tests on my Machine (Thinkpad P51s)
>>         with custom Gentoo installed, if important to the conversation.
>>         I tried to invite you all as collaborators to this repository
>>         if you think this is a bad Idea let me know.
>>         Best regards
>>         Daniel
>>         On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 7:51 PM Laurent Bourgès
>>         <bourges.laurent at gmail.com
>>         <mailto:bourges.laurent at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>             Very good job, phil.
>>             I will try your CCONV test on my linux machine to see if
>>             it is platform dependent ... or hw ?
>>             Laurent
>>             Le mer. 3 oct. 2018 à 19:19, Philip Race
>>             <philip.race at oracle.com <mailto:philip.race at oracle.com>>
>>             a écrit :
>>                 On 10/3/18, 1:15 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>>>                 Phil,
>>>                 If you look at the given pdf file, it has large
>>>                 images that exceed 2k so such ones may be more
>>>                 costly to convert.
>>                 FWIW the one I profiled was by far the largest at
>>                 2577x1540.
>>                 The rest are more like 100x100, 200x200 or 500x500 -
>>                 all approximations.
>>>                 As jpeg decoder in openjdk11 is different than
>>>                 oraclejdk8, it may cause more ColorConvertOp filter
>>>                 operations ... if color profiles are different.
>>                 That doesn't seem likely and in fact since I 
>>                 instrumented ColorConvertOp in 8 & 11,  I know
>>                 exactly how many times it was invoked
>>                 by pdfbox, (11 times in both cases) and that all the
>>                 image data is the same. SRC and DEST are the same
>>                 types etc.
>>                 Also the version of LCMS is the same in 8 and 11 (v2.9).
>>                 -phil
>>>                 Anyway this performance is not related to Marlin
>>>                 renderer, so I can not help much except in its
>>>                 diagnostic.
>>>                 Cheers,
>>>                 Laurent
>>>                 Le mar. 2 oct. 2018 à 23:35, Philip Race
>>>                 <philip.race at oracle.com
>>>                 <mailto:philip.race at oracle.com>> a écrit :
>>>                     I've spent some time examining what pdfbox is
>>>                     passing to ColorConvertOp
>>>                     It is called about 10 or 11 times in this test
>>>                     with images typically 1-2K in each dimension.
>>>                     The input image is a Custom BufferedImage which
>>>                     uses an ICC_ColorSpace constructed
>>>                     from a color profile file that is embedded in
>>>                     pdfbox which is an open source equivalent
>>>                     of what Acrobat uses. It has a 4 component
>>>                     raster and is opaque
>>>                     This is filtered into a 3 component standard
>>>                     INT_RGB ColorModel.
>>>                     I've distilled this down into a small program
>>>                     which has an copy of the method
>>>                     that is defined in pdfbox and is invoking the
>>>                     supposedly slow ColorConvertOp.
>>>                     So I believe this is all exactly what is
>>>                     happening in pdfbox.
>>>                     What I find is that it is actually much faster
>>>                     on JDK11 than JDK 8.
>>>                     prrubuntu:~$ ~/jdk-11/bin/java CConv
>>>                     4881
>>>                     prrubuntu:~$ ~/jdk8u181/bin/java CConv
>>>                     12529
>>>                     I can't say why that would be but the results
>>>                     are clear.
>>>                     So I am left to suppose that pdfbox really is
>>>                     doing something different in 8 vs 11.
>>>                     Or that this not the real problem. What do
>>>                     others see ?
>>>                     I've attached the program. The 1Mb color profile
>>>                     file can be got from the pdfbox sources.
>>>                     -phil.
>>>                     On 10/2/18, 9:35 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>>>>                     Hi Daniel,
>>>>                         Let's not compare apples and oranges. What
>>>>                         I can see it takes the same route and
>>>>                         behave similarly.
>>>>                      I agree, I did not take enough time to get
>>>>                     accurate profiles, sorry.
>>>>                         If you look at
>>>>                         http://uhash.com/java_reg/Call_Tree_java_8.html
>>>>                         http://uhash.com/java_reg/Call_Tree_java_11.html
>>>>                         You can see that ConvertOp.filter takes
>>>>                         1.5s longer on Java 11.
>>>>                     I confirm: 1.8s vs 300ms.
>>>>                     Philip, do you know what could have change in
>>>>                     this 2d area ?
>>>>                     I imagine ColorConvertOp delegates to native
>>>>                     code so color profile (ICC) or hidpi support
>>>>                     may have an impact here (or just compiler
>>>>                     options may be different) ...
>>>>                     If needed, I could profile native code using
>>>>                     oprofile / perf.
>>>>                     Laurent
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