[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Setting the FreeType LCD filter

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Tue Oct 16 22:29:43 UTC 2018

Well .. we have cases where we use the platform version of the 
rasteriser (as
I think you noted) and so on. We'd spend a lot of time on false positive 
and updating golden images I think. Anyway I pushed the fix earlier today.


On 10/16/18, 3:26 PM, John Neffenger wrote:
> On 10/16/2018 07:15 AM, Philip Race wrote:
>> Yes, a reliable jtreg test seems overly hard for this case. So I'll 
>> mark it noreg-hard.
> One thing we could do is simply save copies of rendered text under a 
> variety of configurations and compare them from one release to the 
> next. Actually, FreeType is just now starting to do that itself [1].
> I started to keep track on the Web page below, at least in relation to 
> this particular code change, but I haven't expanded it to other font 
> types or platforms yet (Windows and macOS).
> OpenJDK FreeType Tests
> https://github.com/jgneff/openjdk-freetype/wiki/OpenJDK-FreeType-Tests
> John
> [1] Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output 
> <https://www.freetype.org/gsoc.html>

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