Open sourcing JDK 9 ARM ports

Bob Vandette bob.vandette at
Wed Aug 24 16:31:44 UTC 2016

> On Aug 24, 2016, at 6:53 AM, Kostya Zolotnikov <kostya at> wrote:
> Hi, Bob
> great to see you again! 

Hi Kostya, nice chatting with you again!

> We, at Azul, are very positive about the proposed ARM-based contributions by Oracle.
> Of course it would be very important for everyone to know and understand if it will be just one time contribution or long term commitment by Oracle to invest the resources into the project.
> As Ed and Andrew mentioned before, we are in a process of contribution of ARM32 Java8 based C1 port and actually have server compiler works in pipeline.
> So in order for us to not throw away our efforts we are planning to finish the C1 exercise for jdk8.
Depending on the state of your port, that probably makes the most sense.

> If Oracle is planning to support the newly proposed code moving forward, there will be a lot of discussions to follow about what/where/how, as guys mentioned.
Yes, we plan on continuing to support ARM binaries in the JDK 9 time frame even after contributing the code to OpenJDK.

> Otherwise we think it is more logical to have the evolutionary development of openjdk ARM port based on the current community expertise and code base. 
> In either case, we are happy about your activity and would be glad to see your participation and contributions!
> Regards
> Kostya
> PS: Hope to see you all, guys, at JavaOne in a month!
Yes, I’ll be at JavaOne.   We should try to get interested parties together at some point.


>> On 24 Aug 2016, at 00:18, Andrew Haley <aph at> wrote:
>> On 23/08/16 21:09, Bob Vandette wrote:
>>> It’s going to take a bit of time before we could be in a position to
>>> commit our sources to any forest.  We need to filter out any sources
>>> that we are not open sourcing, move the sources to open directories,
>>> fix up the build system, make sure it builds and correct copyright
>>> statements.  
>> I see.  I hope that my reply didn't sound overly negative: of course
>> I'm pleased to have this work contributed.  I think we can work
>> something out which will be of real benefit, and might well be better
>> than we could do on our own.
>> In the meantime, I assume that the AArch64 and 32 projects will
>> continue on their present course.  Azul have said that they want to
>> contribute their C1 port, so that work will go ahead.
>>> Unless we are all in agreement that these sources will end up being
>>> used for the aarch32 port project, I’m also not sure that’s the best
>>> place to host them.
>> I can't think of a better place right now than the aarch32 project,
>> but that decision can wait until you're ready to commit your sources.
>> Andrew.

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