jdk9-arm3264 libjvm.so link error with arm-sflt

Bob Vandette bob.vandette at oracle.com
Tue Dec 6 19:54:23 UTC 2016

> On Dec 6, 2016, at 2:38 PM, Simon Nash <simon at cjnash.com> wrote:
> On 07/11/2016 13:00, Bob Vandette wrote:
>>> On Nov 6, 2016, at 1:07 PM, Simon Nash <simon at cjnash.com <mailto:simon at cjnash.com>> wrote:
>>> Bob Vandette wrote:
>>>> In the soft-float binaries we’ve distributed in the past, we linked our binary against an external library.
>>>> In order to achieve Java level floating point accuracy (and pass the TCK), you’ll need to do the same.
>>>> Here’s the library that we used:
>>>> http://www.jhauser.us/arithmetic/SoftFloat.html
>>>> We modify this library to map their fadd,dadd,fsub,dsub functions to __aeabi_xxxx_glibc function names.
>>>> You should be able to temporarily work around your link problems by removing the _glibc from the references
>>>> in the hotspot and jdk sources.  There are only a few files that are impacted.
>>>> The problem stems from the fact that the normal glibc functions prefer speed over accuracy.  The accuracy difference is extremely minimal but we fail the TCK for a few tests causing us to use this extra library.
>>>> Hope this help,
>>>> Bob.
>>> Thanks very much!  I thought about removing the _glibc suffix but the signatures
>>> are different.  For example, __aeabi_fadd_glibc takes two floats and returns double
>>> but __aeabi_fadd takes two floats and returns float.
>>> From a quick look at the Hauser library, there is a similar signature mismatch there
>>> as well, so I presume it would be necessary to write a small wrapper function to
>>> convert both float32 arguments to float64 and then call the f64_add function in the
>>> library.  If I have misunderstood this, please correct my assumption.
>> Here’s the wrapper code we used with softfloat-2b.  Notice that we build two different libraries.
>> The JDK functions override the normal entry point but the hotspot version uses a unique name.
>> This was done to allow the normal float/double operations done by the VM to use the faster
>> inlined glibc functions but the functions called during bytecode processing use the accurate ones.
> I have used a modified version of this code to solve the problem with
> building a soft-float version of libjvm.so.  This has enabled me to complete
> an ARMv5 soft-float build of the client JRE, which seems to be working OK.
> Many thanks for your help with this.
> I have tried to use the alternative JDK_BUILD version of the wrapper code
> to build JDK native shared libraries with accurate versions of these four
> functions.  This is failing because the linker is pulling in overlapping code
> from libgcc.a and producing multiple definition errors for these symbols.
> For example, libmanagement_ext.so depends on both __aeabi_dadd and
> __aeabi_ul2d.  The linker brings in __aeabi_dadd from my wrapper, then
> tries to resolve __aeabi_ul2d by bringing in _arm_addsubsf3.o from libgcc.a.
> Because _arm_addsubsf3.o defines __aeabi_dadd as well as __aeabi_ul2d,
> there are multiple definitions for __aeabi_dadd and the link fails.
> Perhaps I have misunderstood the purpose of the JDK_BUILD version of this
> wrapper code.  If it is intended to be included in JDK native libraries such
> as libmanagement_ext.so, how do you solve the multiple definition problem?

In JDK8, we built the soft-float library including the wrapper into a single archive and
added this library to the link of each native library.  We add -z muldefs to avoid
the muliply defined errors.

sflt_glibc_jdk.a -Xlinker -z -Xlinker muldefs


> Simon
>> /* GLIBC Equivalent Soft-Float Implementations */
>> #ifndef JDK_BUILD
>> double __aeabi_dadd_glibc( double a, double b )
>> #else
>> double __aeabi_dadd( double a, double b )
>> #endif
>> {
>>    flag aSign, bSign;
>>    float64 f64a, f64b;
>>    f64a.d = a;
>>    f64b.d = b;
>>    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( f64a );
>>    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( f64b );
>>    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
>>        return addFloat64Sigs( f64a, f64b, aSign ).d;
>>    }
>>    else {
>>        return subFloat64Sigs( f64a, f64b, aSign ).d;
>>    }
>> }
>> #ifndef JDK_BUILD
>> double __aeabi_dsub_glibc( double a, double b )
>> #else
>> double __aeabi_dsub( double a, double b )
>> #endif
>> {
>>    flag aSign, bSign;
>>    float64 f64a, f64b;
>>    f64a.d = a;
>>    f64b.d = b;
>>    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( f64a );
>>    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( f64b );
>>    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
>>        return subFloat64Sigs( f64a, f64b, aSign ).d;
>>    }
>>    else {
>>        return addFloat64Sigs( f64a, f64b, aSign ).d;
>>    }
>> }
>> #ifndef JDK_BUILD
>> float __aeabi_fadd_glibc( float a, float b ) #else
>> float __aeabi_fadd( float a, float b )
>> #endif
>> {
>>    ufloat32 f32a, f32b, f32result;
>>        f32a.f = a;
>>    f32b.f = b;
>>    f32result.i32 = float32_add(f32a.i32, f32b.i32);
>>    return (f32result.f);
>> }
>> #ifndef JDK_BUILD
>> float __aeabi_fsub_glibc( float a, float b )
>> #else
>> float __aeabi_fsub( float a, float b )
>> #endif
>> {
>>    ufloat32 f32a, f32b, f32result;
>>    f32a.f = a;
>>    f32b.f = b;
>>    f32result.i32 = float32_sub(f32a.i32, f32b.i32);
>>    return (f32result.f);
>> }
>> Bob.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Simon
>>>>> On Nov 6, 2016, at 11:06 AM, Simon Nash <simon at cjnash.com <mailto:simon at cjnash.com>> wrote:
>>>>> I am trying to build the current jdk9-arm3264 source for arm-sflt and I am
>>>>> getting some link errors from libjvm.so as follows:
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/build/softfp/hotspot/variant-server/libjvm/objs/c1_LIRGenerator_arm.o: In function `GrowableArray<Instruction*>::at_put_grow(int, Instruction* const&, Instruction* const&)':
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/growableArray.hpp:291: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fadd_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/growableArray.hpp:291: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dadd_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/growableArray.hpp:291: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fsub_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/growableArray.hpp:291: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dsub_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/build/softfp/hotspot/variant-server/libjvm/objs/c1_Runtime1_arm.o: In function `Runtime1::pd_name_for_address(unsigned char*)':
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/cpu/arm/vm/c1_Runtime1_arm.cpp:1220: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fadd_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/cpu/arm/vm/c1_Runtime1_arm.cpp:1220: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fsub_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/cpu/arm/vm/c1_Runtime1_arm.cpp:1220: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dadd_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/cpu/arm/vm/c1_Runtime1_arm.cpp:1220: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dsub_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/build/softfp/hotspot/variant-server/libjvm/objs/templateTable_arm.o: In function `TemplateTable::fop2(TemplateTable::Operation)':
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/cpu/arm/vm/templateTable_arm.cpp:1718: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fadd_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/cpu/arm/vm/templateTable_arm.cpp:1718: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fsub_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/build/softfp/hotspot/variant-server/libjvm/objs/templateTable_arm.o: In function `TemplateTable::dop2(TemplateTable::Operation)':
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/cpu/arm/vm/templateTable_arm.cpp:1761: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dadd_glibc'
>>>>> /sd1/jdk9-arm3264/hotspot/src/cpu/arm/vm/templateTable_arm.cpp:1761: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dsub_glibc'
>>>>> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>>> I am using a soft-float Linaro cross-compiler to do the build.  Here is my configure command:
>>>>> bash ./configure --with-jdk-variant=normal --with-jvm-variants=server --with-abi-profile=arm-sflt --with-conf-name=softfp \
>>>>> --with-debug-level=release --disable-warnings-as-errors --with-extra-cflags=-D__SOFTFP__ --openjdk-target=arm-linux-gnueabi \
>>>>> --with-tools-dir=/sd1/linaro/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabi-2012.04-20120426_linux/bin \
>>>>> --with-sys-root=/sd1/linaro/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabi-2012.04-20120426_linux/arm-linux-gnueabi/libc \
>>>>> --with-cups=/sd1/armel/cups --with-freetype=/sd1/armel/freetype2 --with-alsa=/sd1/armel/alsa \
>>>>> --x-includes=/sd1/armel/X11/include --x-libraries=/sd1/armel/X11/lib \
>>>>> --disable-freetype-bundling --disable-hotspot-gtest --with-boot-jdk=/sd1/java/jdk1.8.0_25 \
>>>>> CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc CXX=arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ CPP=arm-linux-gnueabi-cpp CXXCPP=arm-linux-gnueabi-cpp \
>>>>> LIBS="-Wl,-rpath-link /sd1/armel/freetype2/lib -Wl,-rpath-link /sd1/armel/X11/lib"
>>>>> Where are the missing functions such as __aeabi_fadd_glibc defined?  I have found
>>>>> __aeabi_fadd but I have not been able to find __aeabi_fadd_glibc.
>>>>> Simon

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