hg: aarch32-port/jdk8u/hotspot: 6 new changesets

edward.nevill at gmail.com edward.nevill at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 09:23:09 UTC 2016

Changeset: ad6e224490d8
Author:    enevill
Date:      2015-12-23 12:21 +0000
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/aarch32-port/jdk8u/hotspot/rev/ad6e224490d8

8146094: aarch32: exception handling in putfield corrupts dispatch register
Summary: Use rscratch2 instead of rdispatch
Reviewed-by: duke
Contributed-by: triple.yang at linaro.org

! src/cpu/aarch32/vm/templateTable_aarch32.cpp

Changeset: f4a5655ece8a
Author:    enevill
Date:      2015-12-29 16:18 +0000
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/aarch32-port/jdk8u/hotspot/rev/f4a5655ece8a

8146284: integer shifts not correctly masked
Summary: and shift quantity with 0x1f as required by hava spec
Reviewed-by: duke
Contributed-by: xiang.yuan at linaro.org

! src/cpu/aarch32/vm/templateTable_aarch32.cpp

Changeset: 87065cdd6c2e
Author:    enevill
Date:      2015-12-29 16:25 +0000
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/aarch32-port/jdk8u/hotspot/rev/87065cdd6c2e

8146285: aarch32: NegativeArraySizeException not thrown correctly
Summary: Restore correct value of lr in newarray handler
Reviewed-by: duke
Contributed-by: triple.yang at linaro.org, snazarkin at azul.com

! src/cpu/aarch32/vm/macroAssembler_aarch32.cpp

Changeset: 0de080095246
Author:    enevill
Date:      2015-12-30 17:16 +0000
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/aarch32-port/jdk8u/hotspot/rev/0de080095246

8146339: aarch32: mov immediate generates incorrect value for some immediate values
Summary: Use movw/movt instead of just movt for immediates with bottom 16 bits 0
Reviewed-by: duke
Contributed-by: xiang.yuan at linaro.org

! src/cpu/aarch32/vm/assembler_aarch32.cpp

Changeset: 2f30ec8989e9
Author:    enevill
Date:      2016-01-05 09:17 +0000
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/aarch32-port/jdk8u/hotspot/rev/2f30ec8989e9

8146456: aarch32: JVM crashes when run with -Xdebug option
Summary: Fix register corruption
Reviewed-by: duke
Contributed-by: shanyao.chen at linaro.org

! src/cpu/aarch32/vm/templateTable_aarch32.cpp

Changeset: f4b0c5814c62
Author:    jjoyce
Date:      2015-12-26 22:30 +0000
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/aarch32-port/jdk8u/hotspot/rev/f4b0c5814c62

8146193: Bad marshalling of single precision floats
Summary: Switched action of fp_rencode_real for 32/64 bit floats.
Reviewed-by: enevill

! src/cpu/aarch32/vm/assembler_aarch32.hpp

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