[RFR] jdk9.0.4+12 + functionality

Andrey Petushkov andrey.petushkov at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 08:37:09 UTC 2018

Dear Ed,

I’ve uploaded the workdir w/o .hg of the jdk9.0.4+12 update files to http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~apetushkov/aarch32jdk9.0.4%2b12/azul-aarch32-jdk9-u12.tgz
I’ve checked that subsequent azul’s functionality patch applies trivially. Hope that works


> On 10 Apr 2018, at 22:42, Edward Nevill <edward.nevill at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2018-04-10 at 20:20 +0300, Andrey Petushkov wrote:
>> So I’ve prepared the cumulative diffs with the following modification
>> to the method:
>> - for root, hotspot and jdk repos I did not do update before merge, so merge parents go in another order. As such merge changeset as desired has all incoming jdk9u diff as part of it
>> - for corba, jaxp, jaxws, langtools and nashorn repos it’s impossible to use this method since there is no local diff so pull does not create another head. Instead I ran hg diff over outgoing changesets (hg diff -r "p1(first(outgoing()))" -r "last(outgoing())")
>> patches are at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~apetushkov/aarch32jdk9.0.4%2b12/patches/
>> I’ve verified that root, jdk and corba applied cleanly, the other should be fine I think. However hotspot still does not apply. 
> Hi Andrey,
> I have tried applying the patches at
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~apetushkov/aarch32jdk9.0.4%2b12/patches
> to
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/aarch32-port/jdk9
> The following do not seem to apply cleanly
> jaxp
> jaxws
> langtools
> nashorn
> What I am looking for is a method to reproduce your tree locally so I can build and test it.
> Initially, I want to build and test the jdk9 tree with jdk9u updates.
> Then I want to apply and test the azul changes and build and test that.
> I do not care about the history, I just want to build and test.
> If necessary please copy your repos somewhere on the web so I can download them.
> Thanks,
> Ed.

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