[aarch64-port-dev ] Weird code in generate_call_stub()

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Thu Aug 22 09:29:16 PDT 2013

Do delete the two lines

  // #if 0

However, please leave the rest. It allows the simulator to identify the
linkage through the call stub frame when it is printing stack backtraces.
On 21/08/13 18:22, Andrew Haley wrote:
> I want to delete this code.  As far as I can see it doesn't do
> anything useful.
> // AED: this should fix Ed's problem -- we only save the sender's SP for our sim
> #ifdef BUILTIN_SIM
>     // Save sender's SP for stack traces.
> // #if 0
>     __ mov(rscratch1, sp);
>     __ str(rscratch1, Address(__ pre(sp, -2 * wordSize)));
> #endif
> Andrew Dinn?  Ed?  What say you?

Hmm, I commented out Ed's #if 0 and replaced it with #ifdef BUILTIN_SIM
because I thought this was needed to make the sim debug routines work.
But looking at it again I think it is redundant. So, yes, it can go.


Andrew Dinn
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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