[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: initial patches for merge up to jdk8-b117

Edward Nevill edward.nevill at linaro.org
Fri Dec 13 07:53:05 PST 2013

Hi Andrew,

On Fri, 2013-12-13 at 13:06 +0000, Andrew McDermott wrote:
> You can find the initial patches for the merge to b117 here:
>   http://people.linaro.org/~andrew.mcdermott/openjdk8-aarch64-port-merge-to-b117/
> I've put them on a web page because they amount to 17MB uncompressed.
> For convenience there is also a tarball with all the patches included:
>   http://people.linaro.org/~andrew.mcdermott/openjdk8-aarch64-port-merge-to-b117.tar.xz

Thanks for doing this.

> Please note: there is no patch for adapting the aarch64-port hotspot
> tree to the equivalent changes in hotspot for x86 (and sparc) -- that is
> still to be done.  I would appreciate a review of these changes before I
> start to look what needs to be done there.  I've tested x86 builds of
> the aarch64-port and jdk8 (@b117) trees to get a comparison of what's
> different, et al.  Details are below.

Could you complete the aarch64 specific merge and then repost.

All the best,

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