[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: initial patches for merge up to jdk8-b117

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Sat Dec 14 02:41:25 PST 2013

On 12/13/2013 06:29 PM, Andrew McDermott wrote:
>>> However, I did ran into problems with some of the jtreg tests using all
>>> the available memory on my machine (32GB). That, combined with only a
>>> 100MB swap file, caused my machine to hang hard quite a few times over
>>> the last two days and the reboots required most of my file systems to be
>>> fsck'd, which took quite some time as there is ~4TB spread across 5
>>> disks.  I'll run the tests again and report back which tests I believe
>>> are using/requesting a lot of memory but right now I wanted to get these
>>> patches out for review.
>> I wanted to follow up on this problem.
>> This spike (which you can see in the attached image) comes from running
>> the following test:
> I think the list swallowed the attachment.  There's a copy here:
>   http://people.linaro.org/~andrew.mcdermott/RunUnitTestsConcurrently.png

Actually, the list rejected the whole post for being too large, and
I trimmed and forwarded it.

>>  $ jtreg -conc:1 -v1 -a \
>>    -retain:none \
>>    -jdk:/jdk8-b117/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/j2sdk-image \
>>    runtime/memory/RunUnitTestsConcurrently.java
>> However, if I run using 'release' then the same memory pattern is not
>> exhibited, and in fact the test runs very quickly - which you would
>> expect as it's not trying to gobble 30+GB of ram.
>> So the reason why my machine was sometimes [1] hanging hard was due to
>> the deliberately small swap partition I use and because I was running
>> many other tests and builds at the same time, and typically with a
>> concurrency factor of 10.
>> It's odd (and I have done zero investigation other than identify which
>> particular test it is) as to why the same test under different build
>> configurations behaves the way it does.

This is builtin sim?

The debug build necessarily uses more memory, but that sounds excessive.
It should be investigated.


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