[aarch64-port-dev ] New Mauve results on aarch64

Andy Johnson andy.johnson at linaro.org
Wed Jul 31 07:34:27 PDT 2013

I updated my aarch64 build area to include the most recent updates in the
aarch64 branch, and all of the SIGSEGV issues previously reported in C1
have been eliminated.  This is really good news.  The total number of
failures has been significantly reduced, since many of the failures in both
java.awt and javax.swing were also SIGSEGV related.

This is the current list of failures reported on aarch64 that are not also
reported on the x86-64 baseline.  Those marked [-Xint] fail only in the
Template interpreter.  Those marked [-Xcomp] fail only with the C1
compiler.  Those marked with both are failures that only appear on
aarch64.  Some of these failures were also reported with my previous

All of these runs were performed using the Foundation_v8 emulator.  The
class files are all pre-compiled on the x86-64 host, since javac takes a
long time to run on the emulator.  I posted the process I used to do this
in a previous message.

Only three tests generated hs_err_pidxxxx.log files.  I can make these
available on request.

FAIL: java.io.File.WriteMethods [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 68:  [3] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: java.io.File.canWrite [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 53: dir.canWrite() after SetReadOnly() [1] -- boolean passed to
check was false
  line 69: creating file in read only dir [1] -- boolean passed to check
was false
  line 142: Write to file after setReadOnly() [1] -- boolean passed to
check was false
FAIL: java.io.File.ReadMethods [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 69:  [3] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: java.lang.Float.FloatTest [-Xcomp]
  line 137: test_toString - 8 [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 227: test_equals - 8 [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 475: test_neg - 2 [1] -- forced fail
FAIL: java.lang.Double.DoubleTest [-Xcomp]
  line 171: test_toString - 8 [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 268: test_equals CYGNUS: Double.equals - 8 [1] -- boolean passed to
check was false
  line 587: test_neg - 2 [1] -- forced fail
FAIL: java.lang.Math.MathTest [-Xcomp]
  line 127: test_atan2 - 5 [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: java.math.BigDecimal.DiagBigDecimal [-Xcomp]
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Internal Error (assembler_aarch64.hpp:238), pid=6589, tid=547155341840
#  guarantee(val < (1U << nbits)) failed: Field too big for insn
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0) (build
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Client VM (25.0-b22 compiled mode linux-aarch64 )
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core
dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/root/mauve/hs_err_pid6589.log
FAIL: java.net.DatagramSocket.security [-Xcomp]
  Test timed out.  Use -timeout [millis] option to change the timeout value.
FAIL: java.nio.channels.SocketChannel.select [-Xcomp]
  line 103: Select on accept has failed [1] -- forced fail
FAIL: java.util.LinkedList.AcuniaLinkedListTest
Runtime1::entry_for(17) returned unimplemented entry point
=============== DEBUG MESSAGE: should not reach here ================
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGILL (0x4) at pc=0x0000007fa95f08a8, pid=819, tid=548346049040
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0) (build
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Client VM (25.0-b22 compiled mode linux-aarch64 )
# Problematic frame:
# v  ~RuntimeStub::throw_array_store_exception Runtime1 stub
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core
dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/root/mauve/hs_err_pid819.log
FAIL: java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport.toArray [-Xcomp]
Runtime1::entry_for(17) returned unimplemented entry point
=============== DEBUG MESSAGE: should not reach here ================
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGILL (0x4) at pc=0x0000007f98a0c8a8, pid=7204, tid=548065145360
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0) (build
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Client VM (25.0-b22 compiled mode linux-aarch64 )
# Problematic frame:
# v  ~RuntimeStub::throw_array_store_exception Runtime1 stub
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core
dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/root/mauve/hs_err_pid7204.log
FAIL: java.awt.TextField.PaintTest [-Xint]
  line 87:  [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: java.awt.Canvas.PaintTest [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 93:  [3] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 93:  [5] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: java.awt.dnd.DnDTest [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 118:  [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 119:  [2] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 122:  [5] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 124:  [7] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 125:  [8] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 127:  [10] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: java.awt.List.PaintTestFilledList [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 98:  [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: java.awt.List.PaintTestEmptyList [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 95:  [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: java.awt.Graphics.TestPaintGraphics [-Xcomp]
  line 65:  [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 66:  [2] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard.clipboard [-Xcomp]
  line 59:  [9] -- got false but expected true
  line 63:  [13] -- got null but expected
  line 64:  [14] -- got null but expected
FAIL: java.awt.Robot.mouseWheel [-Xcomp]
  line 93:  [1] -- boolean passed to check was false
  line 94:  [2] -- boolean passed to check was false
FAIL: javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI.getPreferredSize [-Xint and
  line 103: testEditable() [1] -- Objects were not equal.  Use -debug for
more information.
FAIL: javax.swing.SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 131: BL-text [2] -- Objects were not equal.  Use -debug for more
  line 139: BC-text [2] -- Objects were not equal.  Use -debug for more
  line 147: BR-text [2] -- Objects were not equal.  Use -debug for more
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: -1
        at java.util.Vector.removeElementAt(Vector.java:558)
FAIL: javax.swing.JComboBox.ComboRobot [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 135: Selecting second component with keyboard [1] -- Objects were
not equal.  Use -debug for more information.
  line 164: Selecting with letter key (duplicate) [1] -- Objects were not
equal.  Use -debug for more information.
  line 169: Selecting with letter key (duplicate) [1] -- Objects were not
equal.  Use -debug for more information.
  line 135: Selecting second component with keyboard [1] -- Objects were
not equal.  Use -debug for more information.
  line 175: Cancelling popup with escape key [1] -- got false but expected
FAIL: javax.swing.JLabel.AccessibleJLabel.getIndexAtPoint [-Xint]
  line 84: testHTML [1] -- got 2 but expected
FAIL: javax.swing.JLabel.AccessibleJLabel.getCharacterBounds [-Xint]
  line 92: testHTML [1] -- Objects were not equal.  Use -debug for more
FAIL: javax.swing.JFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory [-Xcomp]
  line 62:  [6] -- uncaught exception:
   java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index
   at sun.swing.FilePane$SortableListModel.getElementAt(FilePane.java:668)
   at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.getCellBounds(BasicListUI.java:952)
   at javax.swing.JList.getCellBounds(JList.java:1633)
   at javax.swing.JList.ensureIndexIsVisible(JList.java:1149)
   at sun.swing.FilePane.ensureIndexIsVisible(FilePane.java:1706)
   at sun.swing.FilePane.doDirectoryChanged(FilePane.java:1629)
   at sun.swing.FilePane.propertyChange(FilePane.java:1679)
   at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.fire(PropertyChangeSupport.java:335)
   at java.awt.Component.firePropertyChange(Component.java:8414)
   at javax.swing.JFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(JFileChooser.java:581)
   at RunnerProcess.runtest(RunnerProcess.java:425)
   at RunnerProcess.runAndReport(RunnerProcess.java:480)
FAIL: javax.swing.JTree.TreeRobot [-Xint and -Xcomp]
  line 185: Value after F2 editing [1] -- Objects were not equal.  Use
-debug for more information.
  line 197: Value after click-pause-click [1] -- Objects were not equal.
Use -debug for more information.
  line 211: navigation down 1 [1] -- Objects were not equal.  Use -debug
for more information.
  line 214: navigation down 2 [1] -- Objects were not equal.  Use -debug
for more information.

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