[aarch64-port-dev ] Problematic frame: j sun.reflect.MethodAccessorGenerator.generate(Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/lang/String; [Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/lang/Class; [Ljava/lang/Class; IZZLjava/lang/Class; )Lsun/reflect/MagicAccessorImpl; +755

Cao Hoang Thu thuhc at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 3 19:24:24 PST 2013

Hi Ed,

Thanks for your build, I used it, this issue didn't happen. I always use latest source when I build openjdk
I build cross compile:
#./configure \
                --with-debug-level=$(OPENJDK8_DEBUG_LEVEL) \
                --with-jvm-variants=$(OPENJDK8_JVM_VARIANTS) \
                --enable-unlimited-crypto \
                --openjdk-target=$(AARCH64_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX) \
                --with-cacerts-file=$(HOST_JDK_HOME)/jre/lib/security/cacerts \
                --with-stdc++lib=dynamic \
                --with-boot-jdk=$(HOST_JDK_HOME) \
                --with-sys-root=$(STAGING_DIR) \
                --with-extra-cflags=$(EXTRA_CFLAGS) \
                --with-extra-cxxflags=$(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) \
                --with-extra-ldflags=$(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) \
                --disable-ccache \
#make images

How do you configure to build combine server/client ?

Thu Cao

On Mon, 11/4/13, Edward Nevill <edward.nevill at linaro.org> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [aarch64-port-dev ] Problematic frame: j sun.reflect.MethodAccessorGenerator.generate(Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/lang/String; [Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/lang/Class; [Ljava/lang/Class; IZZLjava/lang/Class; )Lsun/reflect/MagicAccessorImpl; +755
 To: "Cao Hoang Thu" <thuhc at yahoo.com>
 Cc: "aarch64-port-dev at openjdk.java.net" <aarch64-port-dev at openjdk.java.net>
 Date: Monday, November 4, 2013, 8:48 AM
 On Fri, 2013-11-01 at 18:50 -0700,
 Cao Hoang Thu wrote:
 > Hi Ed,
 > This is my build
 > https://www.dropbox.com/s/wlz0opmwponrjr0/openjdk8_client_rc2.tgz
 > Can you send me your build server/client rc2 ?
 > Regards,
 > Thu Cao
 Hi Thu Cao,
 I have tested your build, and I do see the SIGSEGV with your
 However I do not see this with my build.
 I have put a client server build at
 This is combined client/server build, use -client (the
 default) for
 client, -server for server.
 Could you please test this and let me know whether you see
 the SEGV.
 Also please try pulling the latest source and see whether
 you still get
 the SEGV. If you do then it must be a difference between our
 All the best,
 Edward Nevill

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