[aarch64-port-dev ] Miscellanous copy_memory improvements
Andrew Haley
aph at redhat.com
Mon Nov 18 07:50:25 PST 2013
Lots of small things, but a lot of small things makes a big thing.
The most important change is to copy_memory_small, which is now much
faster for copies of less than 16 bytes.
# HG changeset patch
# User aph
# Date 1384789599 0
# Node ID bad0c350ada71437855eb442be5c7002293f7041
# Parent 65546f5b752a425c5ad1f4c6859dc6c0c6d198bd
Miscellanous copy_memory improvements.
More efficient version of copy_memory_small.
More efficient address alignment.
Use prefetch interval of 256.
Notify simulator of the address of the copy_memory routines.
diff -r 65546f5b752a -r bad0c350ada7 src/cpu/aarch64/vm/stubGenerator_aarch64.cpp
--- a/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/stubGenerator_aarch64.cpp Fri Nov 15 07:44:18 2013 -0500
+++ b/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/stubGenerator_aarch64.cpp Mon Nov 18 15:46:39 2013 +0000
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@
#include "opto/runtime.hpp"
+#include "../../../../../../simulator/simulator.hpp"
// Declaration and definition of StubGenerator (no .hpp file).
// For a more detailed description of the stub routine structure
// see the comment in stubRoutines.hpp
@@ -946,8 +950,8 @@
__ push(r18->bit() | r19->bit(), sp);
__ bind(again);
if (direction != copy_backwards) {
- __ prfm(Address(s, direction == copy_forwards ? 4 * wordSize : -6 * wordSize));
- __ prfm(Address(s, direction == copy_forwards ? 6 * wordSize : -8 * wordSize));
+ if (PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes > 0)
+ __ prfm(Address(s, PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes));
__ ldp(r16, r17, Address(__ adjust(s, 2 * wordSize * direction, direction == copy_backwards)));
__ ldp(r18, r19, Address(__ adjust(s, 2 * wordSize * direction, direction == copy_backwards)));
@@ -960,34 +964,43 @@
void copy_memory_small(Register s, Register d, Register count, Register tmp, int step, Label &done) {
- // Small copy: less than one word.
+ // Small copy: less than two words.
bool is_backwards = step < 0;
- int granularity = abs(step);
+ size_t granularity = abs(step);
+ int direction = is_backwards ? -1 : 1;
- __ cbz(count, done);
- {
- Label loop;
- __ bind(loop);
- switch (granularity) {
- case 1:
- __ ldrb(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, step, is_backwards)));
- __ strb(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, step, is_backwards)));
- break;
- case 2:
- __ ldrh(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, step, is_backwards)));
- __ strh(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, step, is_backwards)));
- break;
- case 4:
- __ ldrw(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, step, is_backwards)));
- __ strw(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, step, is_backwards)));
- break;
- default:
- assert(false, "copy_memory called with impossible step");
- }
- __ sub(count, count, 1);
- __ cbnz(count, loop);
- __ b(done);
+ Label Lword, Lint, Lshort, Lbyte;
+ assert(granularity
+ && granularity <= sizeof (jlong), "Impossible granularity in copy_memory_small");
+ __ tbz(count, 3 - exact_log2(granularity), Lword);
+ __ ldr(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, wordSize * direction, is_backwards)));
+ __ str(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, wordSize * direction, is_backwards)));
+ __ bind(Lword);
+ if (granularity <= sizeof (jint)) {
+ __ tbz(count, 2 - exact_log2(granularity), Lint);
+ __ ldrw(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, sizeof (jint) * direction, is_backwards)));
+ __ strw(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, sizeof (jint) * direction, is_backwards)));
+ __ bind(Lint);
+ if (granularity <= sizeof (jshort)) {
+ __ tbz(count, 1 - exact_log2(granularity), Lshort);
+ __ ldrh(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, sizeof (jshort) * direction, is_backwards)));
+ __ strh(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, sizeof (jshort) * direction, is_backwards)));
+ __ bind(Lshort);
+ }
+ if (granularity <= sizeof (jbyte)) {
+ __ tbz(count, 0, Lbyte);
+ __ ldrb(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, sizeof (jbyte) * direction, is_backwards)));
+ __ strb(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, sizeof (jbyte) * direction, is_backwards)));
+ __ bind(Lbyte);
+ }
+ __ b(done);
// All-singing all-dancing memory copy.
@@ -1016,42 +1029,39 @@
Label done, large;
if (! is_aligned) {
- __ cmp(count, wordSize/granularity);
+ __ cmp(count, (wordSize * 2)/granularity);
__ br(Assembler::HS, large);
copy_memory_small(s, d, count, tmp, step, done);
__ bind(large);
// Now we've got the small case out of the way we can align the
// source address.
- {
- Label skip1, skip2, skip4;
- switch (granularity) {
- case 1:
- __ tst(s, 1);
- __ br(Assembler::EQ, skip1);
- __ ldrb(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, direction, is_backwards)));
- __ strb(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, direction, is_backwards)));
- __ sub(count, count, 1);
- __ bind(skip1);
- // fall through
- case 2:
- __ tst(s, 2/granularity);
- __ br(Assembler::EQ, skip2);
- __ ldrh(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, 2 * direction, is_backwards)));
- __ strh(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, 2 * direction, is_backwards)));
- __ sub(count, count, 2/granularity);
- __ bind(skip2);
- // fall through
- case 4:
- __ tst(s, 4/granularity);
- __ br(Assembler::EQ, skip4);
- __ ldrw(tmp, Address(__ adjust(s, 4 * direction, is_backwards)));
- __ strw(tmp, Address(__ adjust(d, 4 * direction, is_backwards)));
- __ sub(count, count, 4/granularity);
- __ bind(skip4);
- }
+ Label aligned;
+ if (is_backwards) {
+ __ andr(rscratch2, s, wordSize - 1);
+ } else {
+ __ neg(rscratch2, s);
+ __ andr(rscratch2, rscratch2, wordSize - 1);
+ // rscratch2 is the byte adjustment needed to align s.
+ __ cbz(rscratch2, aligned);
+ // Copy the first word; s and d may not be aligned.
+ __ ldr(tmp, Address(s, is_backwards ? -wordSize : 0));
+ __ str(tmp, Address(d, is_backwards ? -wordSize : 0));
+ // Align s and d, adjust count
+ if (is_backwards) {
+ __ sub(s, s, rscratch2);
+ __ sub(d, d, rscratch2);
+ } else {
+ __ add(s, s, rscratch2);
+ __ add(d, d, rscratch2);
+ }
+ __ sub(count, count, rscratch2, Assembler::LSR, exact_log2(granularity));
+ __ bind(aligned);
// s is now word-aligned.
@@ -1140,6 +1150,12 @@
__ pop(r16->bit() | r17->bit(), sp);
__ leave();
__ ret(lr);
+ {
+ AArch64Simulator *sim = AArch64Simulator::get_current(UseSimulatorCache, DisableBCCheck);
+ sim->notifyCompile(const_cast<char*>(name), start);
+ }
return start;
@@ -1188,7 +1204,12 @@
__ pop(r16->bit() | r17->bit(), sp);
__ leave();
__ ret(lr);
+ {
+ AArch64Simulator *sim = AArch64Simulator::get_current(UseSimulatorCache, DisableBCCheck);
+ sim->notifyCompile(const_cast<char*>(name), start);
+ }
return start;
diff -r 65546f5b752a -r bad0c350ada7 src/cpu/aarch64/vm/vm_version_aarch64.cpp
--- a/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/vm_version_aarch64.cpp Fri Nov 15 07:44:18 2013 -0500
+++ b/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/vm_version_aarch64.cpp Mon Nov 18 15:46:39 2013 +0000
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 256);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes, 256);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PrefetchFieldsAhead, 256);
+ FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes, 256);
void VM_Version::initialize() {
diff -r 65546f5b752a -r bad0c350ada7 src/os_cpu/linux_aarch64/vm/prefetch_linux_aarch64.inline.hpp
--- a/src/os_cpu/linux_aarch64/vm/prefetch_linux_aarch64.inline.hpp Fri Nov 15 07:44:18 2013 -0500
+++ b/src/os_cpu/linux_aarch64/vm/prefetch_linux_aarch64.inline.hpp Mon Nov 18 15:46:39 2013 +0000
@@ -30,13 +30,15 @@
inline void Prefetch::read (void *loc, intx interval) {
- asm("prfm PLDL1KEEP, [%0, %1]" : : "r"(loc), "r"(interval));
+ if (interval >= 0)
+ asm("prfm PLDL1KEEP, [%0, %1]" : : "r"(loc), "r"(interval));
inline void Prefetch::write(void *loc, intx interval) {
- asm("prfm PSTL1KEEP, [%0, %1]" : : "r"(loc), "r"(interval));
+ if (interval >= 0)
+ asm("prfm PSTL1KEEP, [%0, %1]" : : "r"(loc), "r"(interval));
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