[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: exclude list (was Re: server JTREG results for OpenJDK 8 on AArch64)

Edward Nevill edward.nevill at linaro.org
Wed Feb 12 06:55:28 PST 2014

On Wed, 2014-02-12 at 14:24 +0000, Andrew McDermott wrote:
> Edward Nevill <edward.nevill at linaro.org> writes:
> >
> > I have put it in jdk8/test/exclude_aarch64.txt
> From a scripting P.O.V it would be convenient if there was one per
> top-level JTREG test category. There's already jdk/test/ProblemList.txt,
> so could this become hotspot/test/ProblemList.txt? And ditto for
> langtools, nashorn, et al should there be a need to exclude tests.
> >
> > Andrew McDermott: Once this is in place can you modify the nightly
> > scripts to use this one, rather than the one that is checked into
> > git.linaro.org. I think the correct thing is for the exclude list to
> > be checked into the sources they belong to rather than checked into
> > the scripts on g.l.o.

We could do it either way.

Each of the tests in an exclude list can have an arch specific flag so we can make the excludes aarch64 specific by adding "generic-aarch64" to each excluded test.

I have a marginal preference for keeping all the aarch64 excludes in 1 place, just easier to manage / edit.

Anyone else have any (relevant:-) opinions.

All the best,

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