[aarch64-port-dev ] assertion failure bcp doesn't belong to this method

D.Sturm D.Sturm42 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 02:59:41 PST 2014

> "simpf" gets you the current Java frame.  "nextpf" the next one, etc.
> So you'll be able to see where it failed.
That's *very* useful, I read the README file but after seeing simbt (which
just tells me 0: <unknown method> 0x7fffec0a522c) I didn't look careful
enough at the other sim commands.

Playing around a bit I could create a case that deterministically fails
with a bcp of 0xbadbad at least, so the problem seems to be that I use a
thrashed register. Just have to figure out why it works fine for the first
few compilations and fails then.


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