[aarch64-port-dev ] Unnecessary branch in MacroAssembler::corrected_idivl

D.Sturm D.Sturm42 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 17:47:48 UTC 2014

> > since I'm checking special cases, etc. in the Graal compiler generated
> code
> > I generally also check the HotSpot code to see if it does equivalent
> > things. Is it actually useful if I report small discrepances where it
> seems
> > HotSpot generates inefficient code such as the following?
> Yes, absolutely.  Please.

My pleasure, it's a byproduct of work I have to do anyhow, so I'm glad if
it helps a bit.

> BTW, I am totally fascinated by your Graal work.  It's be great to
> see what you're doing.
I was planning to post something here as soon as I had implemented the
complete functionality (not withstanding bugs), but if you're interested,
this (https://bitbucket.org/voo/aarch64-graal/) is the bitbucket

Still missing some "glue" between HotSpot and Graal, but it's going along.
It's still based on the b120 branch of the Aarch64 port because that's the
latest version that Graal and the Aarch64 port have in common so far (graal
went straight from jdk8-b120 to jdk9).

-- Daniel

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