[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: AARCH64: Top-level JDK changes

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Mon Nov 10 08:54:03 UTC 2014

On 10/11/14 08:08, Erik Joelsson wrote:

> I would certainly like to have these files updated, but
> unfortunately the license on these files changed from GPL2 to
> GPL3. This essentially means that the switch is non trivial from a
> legal perspective and the impression I've received when I last
> inquired about updating these files was that it's unlikely to ever
> happen unless a very strong case can be presented for why it's
> needed.
> So the reason we have the over engineered solution for config.guess
> is simply that it's much easier than getting legal approval for
> updating these files.

I see.  That suggests to me that my simple one-liner is the way to go.


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