[aarch64-port-dev ] Java callstacks are truncated in perf on aarch64

Alexeev, Alexander alexander.alexeev at auriga.com
Wed May 13 08:06:46 UTC 2015


Ed, this option works great. I managed to collect full stacktraces including java and native code with it.

Thank you very much.


From: Edward Nevill [edward.nevill at linaro.org]
Sent: 12 May 2015 18:47
To: Alexeev, Alexander
Cc: aarch64-port-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: [aarch64-port-dev ] Java callstacks are truncated in perf on aarch64

On Wed, 2015-05-06 at 11:10 +0000, Alexeev, Alexander wrote:
> Hello
> I've tried to collect call stacks for JDK release 1504 available from Linaro, it must be almost tip (build 1.9.0-internal-ed_2015_05_01_13_39-b00). Traces collected with this version are truncated.
> Significant part of them is lost now. Seems the only one java method is resolved in the trace. What might be wrong?
> I didn't find option such option as PreserveFramePointer available yet, and anyway not sure if it helps on aarch64

Hi Alexander,

I have created a webrev which allows the use of -XX:+PreserveFramePointer on aarch64


Could you try again with this webrev applied and using the option -XX:+PreserveFramePointer and let me know if the call traces are any better now.


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