[aarch64-port-dev ] Project proposal: AArch32 port

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Tue Nov 3 13:57:18 UTC 2015

Thanks, Edward & Joseph - no objections from me on proceeding to the 
next step.

I'll take a look at the incoming OCA queue to see where we are with 
processing Joseph's OCA, and let you both know once it's processed.

dalibor topic

On 03.11.2015 10:11, Edward Nevill wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-10-28 at 13:58 +0000, Joseph Joyce wrote:
>> Hi Ed and Dalibor,
>> There's no code in there from other open source projects. As far as I
>> can remember the only code from elsewhere was an algorithm for
>> division, which came from
>> http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~theom/riscos/docs/ultimate/a252div.txt
>> The code was modified a bit to work for the assembler, the url from
>> which it came is mentioned in the source (MacroAssembler::divide32). If
>> this is a problem I can easily replace the code with a call out to a C
>> (or Ed suggested using the algorithm from the ARM32-Microjit).
>> I have now signed and sent the OCA (today) and would like to continue
>> contributing to this project. If I could be added to the committers that
>> would be great.
> Hi Joseph,
> That's great news. I therefore propose Joseph Joyce as an additional
> committer for the aarch32 project.
> I have had a look at the divide routine in the template interpreter and
> the original by  Graeme Williams. I do not believe this should be an
> issue as your implementation of the algorithm is completely different.
> For a start yours is written in C calling the MacroAssembler methods to
> generate the code, whereas his is written in some sort of BASIC
> assembler. So although the algorithm is the same the implementation is
> different and AIUI it is the implementation that is copyrighted.
> Dalibor: If you are happy with this may I proceed to a CFV for the
> aarch32 project.
> Thanks,
> Ed.

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