[aarch64-port-dev ] 回复:Redundant instructions MOVK on aarch64?

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Wed Sep 2 17:53:40 UTC 2015

Please, CC such questions/suggestions to aarch64 port mailing list.


On 8/30/15 5:35 PM, hui.shi wrote:
> If instruction is patched multiple times during run, your implementation looks have issue.scenario likes
> first patch. value is 0,  patch opcode nope
> second patch. value is  not 0,  patch none 0 value, but opcode is still nope. you lost original opcode in first patch.
> Regards
> Hui
> ---原始邮件---
> *发件人:* "Crofevil "<crofevil at qq.com>
> *发送时间:* 2015年08月31日 00:04:36
> *收件人:* "hotspot-compiler-dev"<hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net>;
> *主题:* Redundant instructions MOVK on aarch64?
> Hi, all we found a underlying optimization about MOVK with jdk9 build on
> aarch64 platform, but we don't know it can be done or not, so here we
> ask for some help or guidance, thanks!
> We may get a situation like this when try to move ptr or generate stub code.
> This situation was found in SpecJBB 2005:
>      0x000003ff8c313f90: mov        x4, #0x1610                // #5648
>                                                                                    ;     {metadata('java/lang/String')}
>      0x000003ff8c313f94: movk      x4, #0x0, lsl, #16
>      0x000003ff8c313f98: movk      x4, #0x8, lsl, #32
>      0x000003ff8c313f98: ldr          w8, [x2, #8]
> We see a sequence of MOV & MOVK. The MOVK is useless if it try to move 0
> to the register, it doesn't change anything.
> The sequence was generated by function MacroAssembler::movptr:
> // Move a constant  pointer into r. In AArch64 mode the virtual
> // address space is 48 bits in size, so we only need three
> // instruction to create a patchable instruction sequence that can
> // reach anywhere.
> void MacroAssembler::movptr(Register r, uintptr_t imm64) {
> #ifndef PRODUCT
>    {
>      char buffer[64];
>      snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "0x%"PRIX64, imm64);
>      block_comment(buffer);
>    }
> #endif
>    assert(imm64 < (1ul << 48), "48-bit overflow in address constant");
>    movz(r, imm64 & oxffff);
>    imm64 >>= 16;
>    movk(r, imm64 & oxffff, 16);
>    imm64 >>= 16;
>    movk(r, imm64 & oxffff, 32);
> }
> We can't simply remove the MOVK in the function because JVM may patch
> the ptr in later process:
> int MacroAssembler::patch_oop(address insn_addr, address o) {
>    ......
>    } else {
>      // move wide OOP
>      assert(nativeInstruction_at(insn_addr+8)->is_movk(), "wrong insns
> is patch");
>      uintptr_t dest = (uintptr_t)o;
>      Instruction_aarch64::patch(insn_addr, 20, 5, dest & 0xffff);
>      Instruction_aarch64::patch(insn_addr+4, 20, 5, (dest >>= 16) & 0xffff);
>      Instruction_aarch64::patch(insn_addr+8, 20, 5, (dest >>= 16) & 0xffff);
>      instructions = 3;
>    }
>    return instructions * NativeInstruction::instruction_size;
> }
> It means that the initial value of this ptr may be 0 and it will be
> changed to a real address later.
> Then we can't remove the MOVK because we don't know whent it will be
> patched.
> I made a simple test - replace MOVK to NOP when the patched address is 0:
> /* [JVM] Replace MOVK to NOP if the address we patched is 0.  */
> static inline void
> patch_movk(address a, int msb, int lsb, unsigned long val) {
> #define aarch64_NOP (0xd503201f)
>    if (val == 0) {
>      Instruction_aarch64::patch(a, 31, 0, aarch64_NOP);
>    } else {
>      Instruction_aarch64::patch(a, msb, lsb, val);
>    }
> }
> Meanwhile I modifed some asserts.
> But it still causes a JVM crash, I think I missed something.
> Can these MOVK be eliminated?

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