[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: 8148783: aarch64: SEGV running SpecJBB2013

Edward Nevill edward.nevill at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 16:46:07 UTC 2016

On Tue, 2016-02-02 at 15:16 +0000, Andrew Haley wrote:
> Hi,
> On 02/01/2016 08:33 PM, Edward Nevill wrote:
> > JIRA Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8148783
> Can you test the patch I've appended instead?  It tiptoes around the UB
> and should be OK.


Unfortunately this still fails. I have written a small simulacrum of the problem in C below. The following is the output.

ed at arm64:~/tmp/adrp$ ./adrp
original_adrp: pc = 0xffff70000000, dest = 0xfffe00000000, offset = 0x90000000, addr = 0x1000000000000
original_adrp: pc = 0xfffffffff000, dest = 0xfffe00000000, offset = 0x1000, addr = 0x1000000000000
new_adrp: pc = 0xffff70000000, dest = 0xfffe00000000, offset = 0xffffffff90000000, addr = 0xffff00000000
new_adrp: pc = 0xfffffffff000, dest = 0xfffe00000000, offset = 0x1000, addr = 0x1000000000000  <<<<< HERE bit 48 set

The original generated an invalid address in both cases (where offset is +ve and -ve). The new version generates the correct output when the offset is -ve, however a +ve offset still generates an address with bit 48 set.

A second problem is the following code in pd_patch_instruction

        // movk #imm16<<32
        Instruction_aarch64::patch(branch + 4, 20, 5, (uint64_t)target >> 32);
        offset &= (1<<20)-1;
        instructions = 2;

This is essentially doing the same thing as the original adrp, so even when the original adrp got the instruction correct the subsequent patching broke it again.

I have attached a new webrev which fixes both these issues in a much simpler manner.


The key is to construct the instructions exactly as we are using them. When we use an adrp/movk combination to construct a 48 bit address we are using the adrp to construct the bottom 32 bits (with the bottom 12 bit 0) and the movk to construction bits 32..47 overwriting any values the adrp may have put in bits 32..47

So the instruction sequence is

  adrp Xn, 0xXXXXAAAAA000
  movk Xn, 0xAAAA00000000

Where A represents required bits of the address and XXXX represent don't care bits. The only requirement on the XXXX bits is that they must be reachable using the adrp instruction.

The webrev ensures this by using bits 32..47 from the PC and bits 0..31 from the destination address. The fact that we use the XXXX bits from the PC ensures the requirement that the address is reachable and using only the bottom 32 bits of the dest ensures we only get the bits we actually want the adrp instruction to construct and not any extraneous bits in bits 48 etc.

The code that does this is

   unsigned long adrp_target = (target & 0xffffffffUL) | (source & 0xffff00000000UL);

and this is also reflected in pd_patch_instruction to calculate the adrp target there.

All the best,

--- adrp.c ---
#include <stdio.h>

void original_adrp(unsigned long pc, unsigned long dest)
  unsigned long dest_page = dest >> 12;
  unsigned long pc_page = pc >> 12;
  long offset = dest_page - pc_page;
  offset = (offset & ((1<<20)-1)) << 12;
  printf("original_adrp: pc = 0x%lx, dest = 0x%lx, offset = 0x%lx, addr
= 0x%lx\n", pc, dest, offset, pc+offset);

long truncate_signed_bitfield(long n, int width) {
  // Left shifts of a signed integer are UB in Standard C++ but
  // well-defined in GNU C++.
  n <<= 64 - width;
  n >>= 64 - width;
  return n;

void new_adrp(unsigned long pc, unsigned long dest)
  unsigned long dest_page = dest >> 12;
  unsigned long pc_page = pc >> 12;
  unsigned long page_offset = dest_page - pc_page;
  long offset = page_offset;
  offset = truncate_signed_bitfield(offset << 12, 32);
  printf("new_adrp: pc = 0x%lx, dest = 0x%lx, offset = 0x%lx, addr = 0x%
lx\n", pc, dest, offset, pc+offset);

int main(void)
  original_adrp(0x0000ffff70000000, 0x0000fffe00000000);
  original_adrp(0x0000fffffffff000, 0x0000fffe00000000);

  new_adrp(0x0000ffff70000000, 0x0000fffe00000000);
  new_adrp(0x0000fffffffff000, 0x0000fffe00000000);
--- cut here ---

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