[aarch64-port-dev ] Freeze aarch64/jdk8

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Thu Feb 25 14:25:30 UTC 2016

On 02/25/2016 02:20 PM, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> On 25/02/16 13:38, Andrew Haley wrote:
>  . . .
>>> volcas.patch
>>> revid: 8568
>>> Backport optimization of volatile puts/gets and CAS to use ldar/stlr
>> It's probably safe, but there have been significant reworkings in
>> this area.
>> Maybe make this AARCH64_ONLY ?  Please have a look at the generated
>> code when running G1.
> This shared change reverts part of a modification you had previously
> made to the shared code in an earlier attempt to implement optimization
> of volatile puts on AArch64. So, applying this patch merely restores the
> status quo as regards the shared code that is currently in both jdk8 and
> upstream jdk8u.
> Also, the same reversion was applied and is still present in jdk9. It
> has no bearing on any of the reworkings that have happened since the
> original patch was added to jdk9 and I don't envisage it having any such
> effect.
> So. I don't think there is any reason to make this AARCH64_ONLY.

OK.  I'm a bit mystified by the history of this one, but as long
as in the end we don't diverge from upstream jdk8u I'm happy.

>>> 8138966.patch
>>> revid: 8573
>>> 8138966: Intermittent SEGV running ParallelGC
>> Yes, serious crasher bug.  This is already in jdk8u.
>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u/hotspot/rev/110735ab93ec
>> Please Ask Andrew Hughes about this one: it should already be in.
> We already agreed that I would include this as part of my patch.



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