[aarch64-port-dev ] Freeze aarch64/jdk8
Andrew Hughes
gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Mon Feb 29 16:37:47 UTC 2016
----- Original Message -----
> On 29/02/16 16:14, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> > snip...
> >
> >>
> >>>> largecodecache.patch
> >>>> revid: 8576
> >>>> Add support for large code cache
> >>>>
> >>>> this makes changes to two files.
> >>>
> >>> The non-AArch64-specific parts of this patch are not used by anything
> >>> so should not be included. The rest is OK.
> >>
> >> Ok, I will rework this to include only the AArch64-specific code.
> >>
> >
> > The other changes appear to have been included and the build on s390 is
> > now broken as a result (mismatch between the types of
> > CODE_CACHE_DEFAULT_LIMIT and ReservedCodeCacheSize * 5 in the min2 macro).
> > Can I revert the changes to these two files?
> > (src/share/vm/utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp &
> > src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp)
> Andrew Haley followed up with a note explaining that these changes are
> needed on AArch64 (which is why I put them back in again). I think it
> might be better to fix the breakage to the PPC code. Perhaps Andrew
> Haley can comment?
* s390.
The change was there for AArch64 only before.
- FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ReservedCodeCacheSize,
- MIN2(CODE_CACHE_DEFAULT_LIMIT, ReservedCodeCacheSize * 5));
+ FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ReservedCodeCacheSize, ReservedCodeCacheSize * 5);
+ // The maximum B/BL offset range on AArch64 is 128MB
+ AARCH64_ONLY(FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ReservedCodeCacheSize, MIN2(ReservedCodeCacheSize, 128*M)));
Maybe it's just a case that the first setting needs to be not AArch64
and the AArch64 one needs updating to the new version? e.g.
- FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ReservedCodeCacheSize,
- MIN2(CODE_CACHE_DEFAULT_LIMIT, ReservedCodeCacheSize * 5));
+ NOT_AARCH64(FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ReservedCodeCacheSize, ReservedCodeCacheSize * 5));
+ AARCH64_ONLY(FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ReservedCodeCacheSize,
+ MIN2(CODE_CACHE_DEFAULT_LIMIT, ReservedCodeCacheSize * 5)));
We then don't change the behaviour on other architectures.
> regards,
> Andrew Dinn
> -----------
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
PGP Key: ed25519/35964222 (hkp://keys.gnupg.net)
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