[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: u91-upstream

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Wed May 11 22:07:27 UTC 2016


As previously advertised, this is the update which synchronises
aarch64/jdk8u with jdk8u91-b14 upstream and tags the result
as aarch64-jdk8u91-b15:


The webrevs are rather hard to comprehend because they include
not only our own merge, but several internal merges Oracle have
performed from their umpteen internal trees.

The new changes (things Oracle put in u91 upstream but didn't
provide us with ahead of time) are:

  - S8067422: Lambda method names are unnecessarily unstable
  - S8130212: Thread::current() might access freed memory on Solaris
  - S8132890: Text Overlapping on Dot Matrix Printers
  - S8134828: Scrollbar thumb disappears with Nimbus L&F
  - S8138589: Correct limits on unlimited cryptography
  - S8138811: Construction of static protection domains
  - S8140268: Generate link to specification license for JavaDoc API documentation
  - S8143959: Certificates requiring blacklisting
  - S8146518: Zero interpreter broken with better byte behaviour
  - S8148522: Backout JDK-8138811 from 2016 Apr CPU repo

Ok to push?
Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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