[aarch64-port-dev ] [RFR] u141 Update

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Wed Jul 19 04:55:50 UTC 2017


OpenJDK 8 was recently updated with a security update, u141.

Here is the corresponding update for aarch64/jdk8u, aarch64-jdk8u141-b16.

In addition to the upstream fixes, it also includes an AArch64 port of 8173770
by Roland Westrelin.


Ok to push?

Changes in aarch64-jdk8u141-b16
  - Backed out changeset 1e68b3aa79cc
  - Backed out changeset 2a5f7f03863f
  - Backed out changeset 439f5f87419b
  - Backed out changeset 79f5adf90635
  - Backed out changeset 84497ab3e4b8
  - Backed out changeset 8470629ffa1d
  - Backed out changeset fed51a0f2e47
  - S8184119: Incorrect return processing for the LF editor of
Changes in aarch64-jdk8u141-b15
  - S8183551: AArch64: Image conversion improvements
Changes in aarch64-jdk8u141-b14
  - S8139870: sun.management.LazyCompositeData.isTypeMatched() fails
for composite types with items of ArrayType
  - S8144566: Custom HostnameVerifier disables SNI extension
  - S8155049: New tests from 8144566 fail with "No expected Server
Name Indication"
  - S8155690: Update libPNG library to the latest up-to-date
  - S8159058: SAXParseException when sending soap message
  - S8162461: Hang due to JNI up-call made whilst holding JNI critical lock
  - S8163958: Improved garbage collection
  - S8165231: java.nio.Bits.unaligned() doesn't return true on ppc
  - S8165367: Additional tests for JEP 288: Disable SHA-1 Certificates
  - S8167228: Update to libpng 1.6.28
  - S8169209: Improved image post-processing steps
  - S8169392: Additional jar validation steps
  - S8170966: Right parenthesis issue
  - S8171539: Better script accessibility for JavaScript
  - S8172204: Better Thread Pool execution
  - S8172461: Service Registration Lifecycle
  - S8172465: Better handling of channel groups
  - S8172469: Transform Transformer Exceptions
  - S8173145: Menu is activated after using mnemonic Alt/Key combination
  - S8173207: Upgrade compression library
  - S8173286: Better reading of text catalogs
  - S8173697: Less Active Activations
  - S8173770: Image conversion improvements
  - S8174098: Better image fetching
  - S8174105: Better naming attribution
  - S8174113: Better sourcing of code
  - S8174164: SafePointNode::_replaced_nodes breaks with irreducible loops
  - S8174729: Race Condition in java.lang.reflect.WeakCache
  - S8174770: Check registry registration location
  - S8174873: Improved certificate procesing
  - S8175097: [TESTBUG] 8174164 fix missed the test
  - S8175106: Higher quality DSA operations
  - S8175110: Higher quality ECDSA operations
  - S8175251: Failed to load RSA private key from pkcs12
  - S8176055: JMX diagnostic improvements
  - S8176067: Proper directory lookup processing
  - S8176329: jdeps to detect MR jar file and output a warning
  - S8176536: Improved algorithm constraints checking
  - S8176731: JCK tests in api/javax_xml/transform/ spec conformance
started failing after 8172469
  - S8176760: Better handling of PKCS8 material
  - S8176769: Remove accidental spec change in jdk8u
  - S8177449: (tz) Support tzdata2017b
  - S8178135: Additional elliptic curve support
  - S8178996: [macos] JComboBox doesn't display popup in mixed JavaFX
Swing Application on 8u131 and Mac OS 10.12
  - S8179014: JFileChooser with Windows look and feel crashes on win 10
  - S8179101: Improve algorithm constraints implementation
  - S8179998: Clear certificate chain connections
  - S8180582: The bind to rmiregistry is rejected by registryFilter
even though registryFilter is set
  - S8181420: PPC: Image conversion improvements
  - S8181591: 8u141 L10n resource file update
  - S8182054: Improve wsdl support

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://keys.gnupg.net)
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04  C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222

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