[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: Backport Shenandoah since last merge

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Thu Jul 27 06:02:07 UTC 2017

On 24 July 2017 at 16:12, Roman Kennke <rkennke at redhat.com> wrote:
> This is a fairly huge backport from Shenandoah's dev line (then jdk9) to
> shenandoah/jdk8u and from there to aarch64-port/jdk8u-shenandoah. It brings:
> - bunch of new features (e.g. a separate update-refs phase, parallel and
> concurrent code cache scanning, etc)
> - much improved performance (both macro- and micro-performance)
> - much improved stability (we did test this fairly extensively, and
> added many regression tests)
> - much improved usability (e.g. better option handling, much more useful
> output)
> - many bugfixes and tests and code improvements
> - lesser diff compared to upstream
> All of this has baked considerably in shenandoah/jdk8u for a while, gone
> through testing and testing and testing (also, testing by interested
> early adopters) and fixing. I simply transplanted all relevant
> changesets from shenandoah/jdk8u to aarch64-port/jdk8u-shenandoah with
> no fuzz or any problems.
> It's then been tested again by running the hotspot_gc_shenandoah jtreg
> test group (i.e. the whole Shenandoah jtreg test suite), again without
> issues.
> A list of all changesets can be found here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/aarch64-import-2017-07-24/out.txt
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erkennke/aarch64-import-2017-07-24/out.txt>
> The full webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/aarch64-import-2017-07-24/webrev.00/
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erkennke/aarch64-import-2017-07-24/webrev.00/>
> Ok to push?

The update breaks building without precompiled headers. See attached patch.

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
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