[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: RFR: Bulk integration shenandoah/jdk8u -> aarch64-port/jdk8u-shenandoah 2018-12-13

Roland Westrelin rwestrel at redhat.com
Fri Dec 21 12:04:15 UTC 2018

>> Mostly ok, but for:
>> changeset:   10742:c935e0b6b4b2
>> user:        shade
>> date:        Thu Oct 25 20:38:21 2018 +0200
>> summary:     [backport] Cherry-pick JDK-8212673, fix for Node::eqv_uncast
>> This doesn't seem to have been requested for OpenJDK 11 upstream, never mind 8u.
>> Why is it being backported only to shenandoah?
> Because the orginal issue has been made more or less specifically for
> Shenandoah:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8212603
> and JDK-8212673 fixes an issue with the change. IOW, it's Shenandoah
> specific.

Do we really want to backport that one? The change was backed out from
jdk 12 because it broke zgc. And while only zgc was impacted, I'm not
sure the fix is safe. JDK-8212673, the follow up bug, is what I would


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