[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: 8193266: AArch64: TestOptionsWithRanges.java SIGSEGV

Stuart Monteith stuart.monteith at linaro.org
Tue Mar 20 12:00:32 UTC 2018

Thank you for everyone's attention. I've put the updated patch here:


I've added Andrew Haley and Dmitry Samersoff as the reviewer.


On 19 March 2018 at 13:51, Dmitry Samersoff <dms at samersoff.net> wrote:
> Stuart,
> Changes looks good to me.
> -Dmitry
> On 19.03.2018 10:34, Stuart Monteith wrote:
>> Hello,
>>       Would it be possible for this to be reviewed? I'd like to get it in for
>> JDK11. I don't believe there were any outstanding issues.
>> I've updated and reapplied the patch against current jdk/hs
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smonteith/8193266/webrev-6/
>> Thanks,
>>     Stuart
>> On 11/01/18 08:20, Rahul Raghavan wrote:
>>> < Just resending below review request email from Stuart for 8193266
>>> including aarch64-port-dev also. Thanks.>
>>> -- On Saturday 06 January 2018 12:13 AM, Stuart Monteith wrote:
>>> I've removed the AARCH64 conditionals, added the empty line I removed,
>>> and changed the type of "use_XOR_for_compressed_class_base" to bool.
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smonteith/8193266/webrev-5/
>>> BR,
>>>     Stuart
>>>> On 4 January 2018 at 14:45, Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On 04/01/18 14:26, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>   I was going to offer to sponsor this since it touches shared code but
>>>>>> I'm not sure I like that there's AARCH64 specific code in
>>>>>> universe.cpp/hpp.   And the name is somewhat offputting, suggesting
>>>>>> implementation details of one target leaking into shared code.
>>>>>> set_use_XOR_for_compressed_class_base
>>>>>> I think webrev-3 looked more reasonable, and could elide the #ifdef
>>>>>> AARCH64 in the shared code for that version.   And the indentation is
>>>>>> better.
>>>>> I hate the #ifdef AARCH64 stuff too, but it's always a sign that there
>>>>> is something wrong with the front-end to back-end modularization.  We
>>>>> can handle the use_XOR_for_compressed_class_base later: we really
>>>>> should have a way to communicate with the back ends when the memory
>>>>> layout is initialized.  We can go with webrev-3.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Andrew Haley
>>>>> Java Platform Lead Engineer
>>>>> Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
>>>>> EAC8 43EB D3EF DB98 CC77 2FAD A5CD 6035 332F A671
> --
> Dmitry Samersoff
> http://devnull.samersoff.net
> * There will come soft rains ...

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