[aarch64-port-dev ] RFD: AOT for AArch64

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Mon Mar 26 10:11:38 UTC 2018

On 23/03/18 18:11, Andrew Haley wrote:
> How to build it:
> Check out jdk-hs.  Apply
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aph/jaotc/jdk-hs-1/ to that checkout then
> build OpenJDK images.

I am still building and testing this. However, I have two initial comments:

1) The hotspot change set includes two changes which are redundant
against the latest hs.

  i) make/autoconf/generated-configure.sh : all modifications to this
file are redundant since this file has now been removed from the source
tree in HEAD

  ii) src/hotspot/cpu/aarch64/macroAssembler_aarch64.cpp:1050 : extra
argument 0 in the call to form_address is already present in the version

2) I merged your aarch64-branch-overflows changes into my own
aarch64-branch-overflows branch cloned from the latest graal master
repo. There were no merge conflicts.  So, if you pull the latest master
changes into your own local master branch:

  $ git checkout master; git pull <upstream> master

and then rebase your local aarch64-branch-overflows branch

  $ git checkout aarch64-branch-overflows ; git rebase master

that should reapply your changes on top of the current master without
any merge conflicts. Of course, it may not work any more (I am about to
test that now :-).


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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