[aarch64-port-dev ] RFD: AOT for AArch64

Dmitry Chuyko dmitry.chuyko at bell-sw.com
Wed Mar 28 11:08:44 UTC 2018

On 03/27/2018 09:20 PM, Andrew Haley wrote:
> On 27/03/18 17:39, Dmitry Chuyko wrote:
>> There are some jtreg failures. Some are related to "Emitting code to
>> load a metaspace address is not currently supported on aarch64" that was
>> spotted before. I'll send you the logs in private
> Very cool, thank you.  Please also let me know the commands you used
> to run the AOT jtreg tests.
The command line itself is quite straightforward, i.e.

export JT_JAVA=/home/dchuyko/jdk-aot
jtreg -jdk:$JT_JAVA -verbose:summary -w work -r report 

But I also use 2 preparatory things:

   * jaotc was replaced with a wrapper script that calls original binary 
with all passed arguments plus --module-path and --upgrade-module-path 
pointing to Graal stuff built with mx.
   * jtreg version 4.2-b11


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