[aarch64-port-dev ] Jira dashboard for tracking AARCH64 issues

Derek White derekw at marvell.com
Mon May 6 20:45:54 UTC 2019

Related to last week's proposal on managing aarch64 issues, I've published a dashboard at:

If you have other dashboards you'd like to share, or you have suggestions for changing this one - that's great!

Some things I tried to highlight are:

  *   "AARCH64 New"
     *   These are issues that need to "triaging": https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Bug+Triage
     *   Ie. someone sanity checks that the fields look right (cpu, labels, etc). Check for duplicates, etc.
     *   Oracle tends to have a triage team for each component, and they may weigh in unintentionally.
     *   I'm not sure if the aarch64 port has a regular triage process?
  *   "AARCH64 created this week"
     *   You can look at this to see both new ongoing issues and issues that were quickly resolved.
  *   "AARCH64 Unassigned"
     *   Good place to find task to work on, to find someone to work on, or to resolve some other way (won't fix, etc).
  *   "AARCH64 Unresolved"
     *   This includes "new", "open", "in progress".
  *   "AARCH64 Unresolved (Assignee)"
     *   Who's working on what.
  *   "AARCH64 fixes in JDK 13"
  *   "AARCH64 To Do for JDK 13"
     *   Issues we've targeted to JDK 13. Will need to bring this to zero for JDK 13 release (one way or another).

The dashboard should be publicly viewable, and it might be editable by signed-in users (I don't understand the permissions model).

If you have thoughts on dashboards or what our process should be, please discuss!


  *   Derek

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