[aarch64-port-dev ] RFR(L): AARCH64 support for lworld v.06

Dmitry Samersoff dms at samersoff.net
Fri Sep 6 10:28:05 UTC 2019

Hello Everybody,

Could someone help with review?


On 02.09.19 14:16, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> Please review v.06 of adding AArch64 support to lworld branch
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dsamersoff/valhalla_lworld_aarch64/webrev.06/
> What was done:
>   1. Adopted changes in shared code and fixed compilation errors
>   2. Removed all DMS CHECK kludges (but some of them become FIXME)
>   3. All the code needed to support value pack/unpack logic
>      is in place.
> Problems left:
>    There are couple of bugs mostly related to register usage while we
> pack/unpack values.
>    Therefore, ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs/ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs is
> still hardly disabled for aarch64
> Testing (the same as for v.05):
>    All tests in runtime/valhalla/valuetypes and in
> compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/ are passed
>    compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/TestMethodHandles.java
>    compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/TestBasicFunctionality.java
>    are passed after manually tweaking of output patterns, I have not
> found a way to support both x86 and aarch64, so these tests remain
> unchanged and run on x64 only.
> -Dmitry

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