[aarch64-port-dev ] [15] RFR: 8248048: ZGC: AArch64: SIGILL in load barrier register spilling

Stefan Karlsson stefan.karlsson at oracle.com
Fri Jun 26 11:35:50 UTC 2020

Hi Andrew,

On 2020-06-26 12:05, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> Yes, nice catch. zr is clearly the wrong choice here. In the context of
> an FP register it ends up being interpreted as q31 which, as you show,
> clashes when r31 is the last register in an odd register set.
> Your fix looks ok to me (so count it as reviewed).

Thanks for reviewing!

> Just for your interest, another alternative would be to continue to use
> stpq instructions but replace zr with an fp register that is a) in the
> save set but b) guaranteed to differ from the last register,-- the
> obvious choice being regs[0]. That will work in all cases where count >=
> 2 (well 3 actually since the problem only arises in odd cases). So, you
> would still need to special case count == 0/1 and only add regs[0] to
> the set after handling those cases.

I was thinking along the same lines first. The problem with the count == 
1 case made me look for another solution.

> I'm agnostic over which of these two is better as I don't think either a
> stpq or a strq pre/post is preferable to the other.

OK. Again, thanks for taking the time to think about the different ways 
to fix this.


> regards,
> Andrew Dinn
> -----------
> Red Hat Distinguished Engineer
> Red Hat UK Ltd
> Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
> Directors: Michael Cunningham, Michael ("Mike") O'Neill
> On 26/06/2020 09:50, Stefan Karlsson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Please review this patch to fix a ZGC load barrier register spilling bug.
>> https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stefank/8248048/webrev.01/
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8248048
>> The JVM crashed with an ILL_ILLOPC when executing this instruction in
>> our load barrier stub:
>>    ldp q31, q31, [sp, #224]
>> The entire load barrier stub:
>>     0x0000ffff998ab964:    stp    x10, x13, [sp, #-32]!
>>     0x0000ffff998ab968:    stp    x14, x17, [sp, #16]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab96c:    stp    q1, q2, [sp, #-256]!
>>     0x0000ffff998ab970:    stp    q3, q19, [sp, #32]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab974:    stp    q20, q21, [sp, #64]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab978:    stp    q22, q23, [sp, #96]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab97c:    stp    q24, q25, [sp, #128]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab980:    stp    q26, q28, [sp, #160]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab984:    stp    q29, q30, [sp, #192]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab988:    stp    q31, q31, [sp, #224]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab98c:    sub    x1, x10, #0x0
>>     0x0000ffff998ab990:    mov    x0, x11
>>     0x0000ffff998ab994:    mov    x8, #0xfc28                    // #64552
>>     0x0000ffff998ab998:    movk    x8, #0xaf11, lsl #16
>>     0x0000ffff998ab99c:    movk    x8, #0xffff, lsl #32
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9a0:    blr    x8 ; branch into the JVM
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9a4:    mov    x11, x0
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9a8:    ldp    q3, q19, [sp, #32]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9ac:    ldp    q20, q21, [sp, #64]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9b0:    ldp    q22, q23, [sp, #96]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9b4:    ldp    q24, q25, [sp, #128]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9b8:    ldp    q26, q28, [sp, #160]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9bc:    ldp    q29, q30, [sp, #192]
>> => 0x0000ffff998ab9c0:    ldp    q31, q31, [sp, #224]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9c4:    ldp    q1, q2, [sp], #256
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9c8:    ldp    x14, x17, [sp, #16]
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9cc:    ldp    x10, x13, [sp], #32
>>     0x0000ffff998ab9d0:    b    0xffff998aa718
>> It seems to be illegal to use the same register twice when loading into
>> a pair of registers. I verified that that was the problem, and not the
>> usage of zr (see below) that caused some weird encoding, by changing the
>> code to always generate stp/ldp with the same register:
>> => 0x0000ffff757d22fc:    ldp    q20, q20, [sp, #32] ; Crash here as well
>>     0x0000ffff757d2300:    ldp    q21, q21, [sp, #48]
>>     0x0000ffff757d2304:    ldp    q22, q22, [sp, #64]
>> The code that generates this instruction is MacroAssembler::push_fp,
>> which spills the necessary registers in pairs with stp/ldp calls. If the
>> number of registers to spill is odd it needs to deal with one of the
>> registers separately. This is done by adding a dummy register here:
>> 2136 regs[count++] = zr->encoding_nocheck();
>> 2137 count &= ~1; // Only push an even number of regs
>> This scheme seems to work for the normal registers
>> (MacroAssembler::push), but the usage of zr seems dubious when we're
>> dealing with the fp/simd version of stp/ldp.
>> My proposed patch replaces the stp/ldp for the odd numbered register
>> with the single-register versions: str/ldr. I make sure to keep the
>> stack 16 bytes aligned by still bumping 16 bytes, but skipping the
>> store/load to the second 8 bytes half.
>> Note that right now MacroAssembler::push_fp is only used by ZGC.
>> This fixes the crash. I've run this code through jtreg groups :tier1,
>> tier2, tier3, and an Oracle-internal stress suite without any new problems.
>> The smallest reproducer I have is:
>> make -C ../build/fastdebug test TEST=test/jdk/java/util/concurrent/
>> Does this look OK?
>> Thanks,
>> StefanK

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