[aarch64-port-dev ] Can't build on macOS on arm64

Kirill A. Korinsky kirill at korins.ky
Thu Nov 26 17:02:09 UTC 2020


It works after all.

wbr, Kirill

> On 23. Nov 2020, at 20:17, Vladimir Kempik <vkempik at azul.com> wrote:
> Some of them are issues on your side, you’ve forgot to pass gtest location to configure
> ACTION: main -- Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.Error: TESTBUG: the library has not been found in /Users/catap/src/openjdk-aarch64-port/build/macosx-aarch64-server-release/images/test/hotspot/jtreg/native. Did you forget to use --with-gtest to configure?
> another issue on your side:
> ACTION: main -- Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Users/catap/src/openjdk-aarch64-port/build/macosx-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk/lib/libawt.dylib: dlopen(/Users/catap/src/openjdk-aarch64-port/build/macosx-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk/lib/libawt.dylib, 1): Library not loaded: @rpath/JavaNativeFoundation.framework/Versions/A/JavaNativeFoundation Referenced from: /Users/catap/src/openjdk-aarch64-port/build/macosx-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk/lib/libawt.dylib Reason: image not found
> You forgot to copy JNF.framework jdk/lib folder as I’ve told you already.
> Regards, Vladimir
>> 23 нояб. 2020 г., в 22:12, Kirill A. Korinsky <kirill at korins.ky <mailto:kirill at korins.ky>> написал(а):
>> Here the logs.
>> It is gziped output of
>> catap at Kirills-mini-m1 openjdk-aarch64-port % env LANG="en_US" JTREG="VM_OPTIONS=-Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US"  make run-test-tier1 > tier1.log
>> Error: Some tests failed or other problems occurred.
>> Error: Some tests failed or other problems occurred.
>> Error: Some tests failed or other problems occurred.
>> make[1]: *** [main] Error 1
>> make: *** [run-test-tier1] Error 2
>> catap at Kirills-mini-m1 openjdk-aarch64-port % env LANG="en_US" JTREG="VM_OPTIONS=-Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US"  make run-test-tier2 > tier2.log
>> Error: Some tests failed or other problems occurred.
>> Error: Some tests failed or other problems occurred.
>> make[1]: *** [main] Error 1
>> make: *** [run-test-tier2] Error 2
>> catap at Kirills-mini-m1 openjdk-aarch64-port %
>> --
>> wbr, Kirill
>> <tier1.log.gz>
>> <tier2.log.gz>
>>> On 23. Nov 2020, at 18:45, Vladimir Kempik <vkempik at azul.com <mailto:vkempik at azul.com>> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> It’s EA, nobody promissed all tests will pass
>>> it’s especially useful when you provide no list of failed tests.
>>> Regards, Vladimir
>>>> 23 нояб. 2020 г., в 20:42, Kirill A. Korinsky <kirill at korins.ky <mailto:kirill at korins.ky>> написал(а):
>>>> Anyway tests are failed
>>>> I run it by command:
>>>> env LANG="en_US" JTREG="VM_OPTIONS=-Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US"  make run-test-tier1
>>>> and have result:
>>>> ==============================
>>>> Test summary
>>>> ==============================
>>>>    TEST                                              TOTAL  PASS  FAIL ERROR
>>>> >> jtreg:test/hotspot/jtreg:tier1                     1566  1561     5     0 <<
>>>> >> jtreg:test/jdk:tier1                                 10     0    10     0 <<
>>>> >> jtreg:test/langtools:tier1                         4094  4093     1     0 <<
>>>>    jtreg:test/jaxp:tier1                                 0     0     0     0
>>>>    jtreg:test/lib-test:tier1                             0     0     0     0
>>>> ==============================
>>>> is it expected?
>>>> --
>>>> wbr, Kirill
>>>>> On 23. Nov 2020, at 13:35, Kirill A. Korinsky <kirill at korins.ky <mailto:kirill at korins.ky>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> It works.
>>>>> --
>>>>> wbr, Kirill
>>>>>> On 23. Nov 2020, at 13:19, Vladimir Kempik <vkempik at azul.com <mailto:vkempik at azul.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello, it builds fine for me, maybe this option make it bad for you:
>>>>>>> 23 нояб. 2020 г., в 14:42, Kirill A. Korinsky <kirill at korins.ky <mailto:kirill at korins.ky>> написал(а):
>>>>>>> --enable-static-build
>>>>>> here is my list of options:
>>>>>>  sh configure --with-boot-jdk=/Users/tester/vkempik/zulu16.0.65-ea-jdk16.0.0-ea.24-macos_aarch64  --with-extra-ldflags='-F /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/ContentDeliveryServices.framework/Versions/A/itms/java/Frameworks/' --with-jobs=8 --with-debug-level=release --disable-warnings-as-errors

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