Draft Quarterly Report for Q2 2015
dalibor topic
dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Tue Aug 11 17:50:20 UTC 2015
On 11.08.2015 19:19, Richard Warburton wrote:
> Hi,
> There was also an LJC hackday which did OpenJDK work in July.
Thanks - that's something for the Q3 report.
> If you're going to link to Devoxx UK events you should probably also
> cover the other two OpenJDK related events that occurred there.
> http://cfp.devoxx.co.uk/2015/talk/TTE-8344/How_to_run_a_hackday%3F
> http://cfp.devoxx.co.uk/2015/talk/TMT-5824/Adoption_Panel
dalibor topic
> regards,
> Richard Warburton
> http://insightfullogic.com
> @RichardWarburto <http://twitter.com/richardwarburto>
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