OpenJFX in a post-Jigsaw world

Chris Newland cnewland at
Thu Aug 20 07:51:26 UTC 2015

CC'd Rory as this affects JITWatch running on OpenJDK9/OpenJFX (quality

I've filed a bug (Review ID: JI-9023645) regarding OpenJFX "overlay"
builds (created using "gradle openZip") because they can't be overlaid
onto a JDK9 (jigsaw) layout as they unpack into a "jre" folder.

Phil Race mentioned that post-jigsaw the JDK structure should be
considered opaque and tools will need to exist for "adding features" such
as OpenJFX to OpenJDK.

I'm going to follow this up on jigsaw-dev and will report back anything



On Wed, August 19, 2015 08:28, Chris Newland wrote:
> There's been some discussion on the London Java Community Slack chat
> about JavaFX with OpenJDK so I made some enquiries over on openjfx-dev and
> here is the Oracle response regarding OpenJFX / Jigsaw.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> ---------------------------- Original Message
> ----------------------------
> Subject: Re: OpenJFX / JDK 9 questions
> From:    "Kevin Rushforth" <kevin.rushforth at>
> Date:    Tue, August 18, 2015 23:23
> To:      "John C. Turnbull" <ozemale at>
> Cc:      cnewland at
> openjfx-dev at
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> Chris' questions are more about the build environment. To answer some of
> the specific points.
>> Longer term, will OpenJFX ever become a sub-project or module in the
> OpenJDK
>> repository?
> Very likely, yes. Long term we would like the openjfx "rt" repository to
> be a "jfx" repo in the openjdk forest. This is not planned for 9, though.
> Probably for JDK 10 (but perhaps could be done in a 9 update
> release).
>> Is there any plan for a unified build system for OpenJDK and OpenJFX to
>>  produce a binary that runs JavaFX out of the box?
> Some of the Jigsaw work is heading in that direction. The current plan
> is for a JDK configure option to take a set of (pre-built) JavaFX modules
> and import them into the JDK build, as opposed to the current "overlay the
> javafx bits at the end" approach that JDK 8 uses.
>> Currently the gradle openZip method makes it easy to create builds that
>>  unpack into OpenJDK / Zulu JDK but this assumes a pre-Jigsaw (JRE)
> structure
>> and doesn't work with JDK9. Shall I submit a bug?
> We are in the process of making major changes for Jigsaw, so anything we
> do for the "openZip" task will be a stop-gap until that work is complete.
> Go ahead and file the bug, though. If nothing else, it will
> serve as a reminder to test the build with OpenJDK + OpenJFX (without
> either of the closed bits).
> -- Kevin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: openjfx-dev [mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of
>> Chris Newland
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 10:07 PM
>> To: openjfx-dev at
>> Subject: OpenJFX / JDK 9 questions
>> Hi,
>> Please could someone briefly explain the changes to OpenJFX under JDK9
>> /
>> modularisation / jigsaw?
>> I've been trying to answer some questions about this in the London Java
>>  Community (JUG) and have added 8u40 stable binaries to my OpenJFX
>> build server as that was requested:
>> I understand work is already happening under JEP253 to sort out the
>> public APIs.
>> Longer term, will OpenJFX ever become a sub-project or module in the
> OpenJDK
>> repository?
>> Is there any plan for a unified build system for OpenJDK and OpenJFX to
>>  produce a binary that runs JavaFX out of the box?
>> Currently the gradle openZip method makes it easy to create builds that
>>  unpack into OpenJDK / Zulu JDK but this assumes a pre-Jigsaw (JRE)
> structure
>> and doesn't work with JDK9. Shall I submit a bug?
>> Cheers,
>> Chris

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