reducing the number of methods annotated with @TrackableConstant

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Fri Aug 25 13:04:54 UTC 2017

What is the underlying concern that is motivating this proposal?

On 8/24/2017 11:13 PM, Vicente Romero wrote:
> Hi,
> I propose reducing the number of methods annotated with the 
> @TrackableConstant annotation in the current Constables API. Actually 
> reducing the number of them should be a consequence of reducing the 
> applicability of the annotation. Annotating methods that return 
> primitive types or Strings adds more overhead to the compiler but, 
> IMO, it adds little value to the API and developers. My suggestion is 
> that if a method returns a Constable type, or at most an array of a 
> Constable type, then it could be annotated with @TrackableConstant and 
> remove it from all other cases.
> Comments?
> Vicente

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