Welcome to Amber!

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Thu Mar 16 17:19:09 UTC 2017

Welcome to Project Amber, our incubation ground for selected 
productivity-oriented Java language JEPs.


Somewhat circularly, the scope for Project Amber is: 
productivity-oriented language JEPs that have been adopted by Project 
Amber.  To be considered for adoption by Project Amber, a feature should 
first be described by a JEP [1].  This means that this is not the place 
for discussing random language feature ideas (the whole rest of the 
internet is still available for that); let's keep the focus on the 
specific features that have been adopted.

To get things started, the following JEPs are hereby adopted by Project 

   - JEP 286: Local Variable Type Inference 
   - JEP 301: Enhanced Enums (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/301)
   - JEP 302: Lambda Leftovers (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/302 

In addition, the "data classes" and "pattern matching" features, already 
discussed publicly [2] are intended to be adopted by Amber when we're 
ready to propose JEPs on them.


Like Lambda and Valhalla, Amber will have the usual coterie of mailing 

  - amber-dev -- for discussing or contributing to the implementation of 
the Amber features, and to report user experience with the prototype.
  - amber-spec-experts -- for Expert Group discussions of the design and 
specification of the Amber features.  Traffic from spec-experts is 
automatically forwarded to spec-observers.
  - amber-spec-observers -- for public discussion of the design and 
  - amber-spec-comments -- the "suggestion box".

The primary means for providing feedback on the design and specification 
to the Expert Group is the -comments list.  Posting to -comments 
should be complete, self-contained, well-reasoned, and 
focused on a single issue.  Postings to -comments 
are archived, and their content (if appropriate) will eventually show up on the EG list 
for discussion.  (Note that -comments *cannot* be subscribed to; only 
posted to.  The reason 
is simple; having discussions on this list, which is inevitable were it subscribable, would defeat the purpose.)


The Amber repo is here: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/amber/amber/, based 
on the jdk10 repo.

Since there are multiple projects here, we'll be doing most of our work 
in branches.  The default branch will be synced to jdk10; we won't be 
committing directly to this branch.  (This is the same methodology as 
used by the "sandbox" repo.)


The initial Expert Group will consist of the initial committers and 
reviewers of the Project [3], as well as: Doug Lea, Kevin Bourrillion, 
Remi Forax, Andrey Breslav, and Dan Heidinga.

Nominations (including self nominations) for the Expert Group should be 
sent to the Project Lead (me).  Nominees should have a demonstrated 
track record in contributing to Java platform evolution and specification.


This one is easy; there are no schedules.  None of these features are 
currently targeted at any specific version of the Java platform; when 
ready, they will be proposed for targeting via the JEP process.

[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/1
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGll155-vuQ
[3] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/discuss/2017-January/004099.html

More information about the amber-dev mailing list