Quick question regarding pattern matching

org.openjdk at io7m.com org.openjdk at io7m.com
Thu Mar 23 13:32:27 UTC 2017


I thoroughly enjoyed Brian's talk that was linked to from the original
Amber introduction email. I'm very surprised and happy to learn that
full pattern matching is under consideration as an addition to the
language (I was expecting to only get case analysis as that's somewhat
cheaper and easier to implement).

Couple of small questions:

1. The talk makes no mention of checking matches for exhaustiveness. Is
   that just an omission from the talk for brevity? For me, the main
   value in pattern matching is the exhaustiveness checks [0].

2. Is the intention of Amber to include some sort of VM-level
   infrastructure to allow for languages that implement algebraic data
   types to share a common model? For example, if I declare an algebraic
   data type in Kotlin, it would be really nice if I could then pattern
   match on it in Java or Scala and get the same exhaustiveness checks.
   Right now that's obviously not going to happen as they each use a
   slightly different representation for ADTs. For example, I believe
   the Kotlin compiler adds some protobuf-encoded data to each
   compiled ADT class as annotations to mark the class as "sealed".
   Users can later get exhaustiveness checks when matching on a value
   of that class because the compiler can infer that the class is sealed
   from the annotations. A Scala compiler looking at a type compiled by
   the Kotlin compiler obviously isn't going to read and/or understand
   those annotations.


[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM2hEBwEWPc

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