Proposal: single-expression method bodies
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Mon Nov 27 15:07:50 UTC 2017
It’s not been discussed *here*, but its certainly been discussed. (IIRC, C# has supported this for a while.)
Personally, I like this feature, for all the reasons you suggest, and more (symmetry, elimination of low-value repetition, encouragement of single-expression methods). We’ve got our plates pretty full right now, but rest assured this is on the list to carefully consider as a candidate.
> On Nov 23, 2017, at 2:24 AM, Zheka Kozlov <orionllmain at> wrote:
> Sorry if I'm repeating what was already discussed before. I didn't find
> anything about this in the old threads.
> Currently, lambdas support two forms of bodies:
> 1. Function<Integer, String> func = (Integer i) -> i.toString();
> 2. Function<Integer, String> func = (Integer i) -> {
> return i.toString();
> };
> But for methods only the second form is supported:
> public String func(Integer i) {
> return i.toString();
> }
> This seems unfair to me, and I think the first form should be supported too:
> public String func(Integer i) -> i.toString()
> Single-expression method bodies can reduce the amount of boilerplate:
> public static int square(int x) -> x * x
> // Simple getter
> public int getSomeField() -> someField;
> This will also be consistent with the two forms of switch (regular switch
> and expression switch):
> switch (o) {
> case Integer i: return i.toString();
> }
> vs.
> String s = switch (o) {
> case Integer i -> i.toString();
> }
> What do you think?
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