help: configuration issues

Razvan Minciuna razvan.minciuna at
Wed Sep 13 16:06:14 UTC 2017


As mentioned in my last email I´ve finished the dev environment so I can
use the lvti branch.

I would like to know what´s the next step and I have a few questions:
- what is the approach when you try to test something?

- do I have to use unit tests or just play around with the new features?

- where can I found some details about this new features, some
documentation ?

- whom and where should I report in case something´s not working?

- is there anything else that I should be asking or doing?

Thanks for your time.


On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 5:17 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore <
maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:

> Phew - thanks for letting us know!
> Cheers
> Maurizio
> On 13/09/17 15:19, Razvan Minciuna wrote:
> Hi Maurizio,
> Everything worked perfect. Thank you.
> After the installation I was able to run this simple Hello World code:
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import java.util.List;
> public class App{
>    public static void main(String[] args){
>       var list = new ArrayList<>():
>       list.add("Razvan");
>       list.add("Minciuna");
>       System.out.println(list);
>   }
> }
> and got this output : [Razvan, Minciuna]
> So, I guess I´m ready for the next step.
> Thanks again.
> Regards,
> Razvan
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 11:49 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore <
> maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
>> On 13/09/17 06:09, Razvan Minciuna wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to properly configure the development environment so I can
>>> test
>>> the amber project.
>>> This is my first experience with openjdk and I couldn´t find enough
>>> information to get it done.
>>> So, after downloading the lvti branch from the repository and put it into
>>> the Eclipse I don´t know where to go next.
>>> If you have any documentation so I can read in order to finish the
>>> process
>>> so I can start using and testing the repository please let me know.
>>> Thank you.
>> Hi Razvan,
>> So, first of all, you need to clone the repo (which you probably already
>> have done - but I will repeat the step anyway):
>> $ hg clone amber-dev
>> The above command will fetch the toplevel JDK repo and store it locally
>> in the 'amber-dev' folder (you can change name of course if you want to).
>> Note also that this will only fetch the 'toplevel' repo - JDK is currently
>> organized as a 'forest' of repositories, so there's more than one you need
>> to get - you can do so like this:
>> $ sh
>> This will fetch the remaining repositories - as some of these are big, it
>> might take a while. This second step is temporary, and will go away once
>> the repositories will be consolidated (an ongoing effort, see [1]).
>> Now you should have a complete folder structure:
>> amber-dev
>>      jaxp
>>      jaxws
>>      langtools
>>      hotspot
>>      jdk
>>      corba
>>      nashorn
>>      make
>>      test
>>      common
>> So, since the amber repository is organized in branches, you need first
>> to decide which branch you want to try out. Let's assume you want to try
>> local variable type inference - the name of the branch is 'lvti' - so you
>> need to update all JDK repositories to that branch, which you can do with
>> this command:
>> $ sh common/bin/ update lvti
>> This will update the working version of all repositories to the latest
>> 'lvti' changeset. Note that the 'hgforest' command above is a little useful
>> helper that allows you to run the same command on all the JDK repos in the
>> forest - so, by running the above command is like going into every repo
>> subfolder and running 'hg update lvti' by hand.
>> You can confirm that you have updated the repos to the right branch by
>> doing the following:
>> $ hg common/bin/hgforest branch
>> This should print a list of lines such as
>> jdk: lvti
>> langtools: lvti
>> ...
>> Which indicates the repos are indeed in the right branch.
>> Now it's time to build the JDK. To build, you first need to run the
>> configuration step, which will test whether you have all the tools (such as
>> GCC or Clang) and libraries (such as freetype) needed in order to build the
>> JDK. You can do so as follows:
>> $ sh configure --with-boot-jdk=<PATH-TO-JDK-8>
>> The 'with-boot-jdk' parameter is very important - it's the JDK that is
>> used to 'bootstrap' (e.g. to compile an initial version) of this JDK. It
>> must point to an existing JDK 8 installation which you probably have
>> somewhere in your machine. If not, go here [2] and fetch one.
>> The configure should generate loads of output, but no errors. If there's
>> an error it typically means that one (or more) build dependencies were not
>> satisfied, so you need to take care of that (if you are in a debian-based
>> Linux, this is typically done by installing some missing libraries -
>> usually achieved by running some 'apt' command).
>> After configure you are ready to go, really - so you can start the build:
>> $ make images
>> This will build the entire JDK and create an 'images' folder (under
>> build/<arch>/images/jdk). Inside you will find a 'bin' folder containing
>> all the usual commands (java, javac, javap, ...) which you can start using
>> to try out local variable inference.
>> This should cover the basics of the process, I expect there will be one
>> or two peculiarities in your env that will pop up at some point (esp. at
>> the configure step) - if you get stuck please do not hesitate to come back
>> here and ask for help. There's also a mailing list of build experts
>> (build-dev @ o.j.n) in case things get nasty - but let's hope for the best
>> :-)
>> Cheers
>> Maurizio
>> [1] -
>> /000451.html
>> [2] -
>> -downloads-2133151.html
>> Regards,
>>> Razvan

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