Update Eclipse with newly build JDK

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Thu Sep 14 09:02:08 UTC 2017

Hi Razvan,
as far as I know, Eclipse uses its own Java compiler (at least in normal 
setups). So, you would need a modified version of Eclipse to be able to 
make it understand 'var' and any other experimental feature you might be 

The situation is different for Netbeans and Intellij, which eventually 
delegate back to some real javac to do the code generation, so I would 
expect things to be easier with those IDEs.

If your project has an ant file, I think you can make it work with 
Eclipse too (as Ant will be using javac) - and then you would use 
Eclipse/Ant integration. But still you would need to put up with the red 
squiggly lines in the editor, as the IDE cannot understand the new grammar.


On 14/09/17 09:30, Razvan Minciuna wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to configure the Eclipse to support modularized jdk  and I 
> could add it.
> but it´s still not working and I have a compilation error
> please see the configuration image and tell me if I´m missing something
> https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/CSZiq3gMYzTe3g9g2Edjvz0c0GgUguHo-95HRgbzGpiTFLoC8J9XOmFUM_hdWFplYwHg0efn=w1920-h1106
> Regards
> Razvan
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 10:18 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore 
> <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com 
> <mailto:maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     On 13/09/17 20:39, Razvan Minciuna wrote:
>         Hi,
>         I am not able to update the Eclipse jdk environment with the
>         newly build
>         jdk.
>     Might that be caused by the fact that this JDK is basically a
>     fully modularized JDK? Does your version of Eclipse support
>     modularized JDKs?
>     Try to look here:
>     https://wiki.eclipse.org/Configure_Eclipse_for_Java_9
>     <https://wiki.eclipse.org/Configure_Eclipse_for_Java_9>
>     Maurizio
>          From cli I can compile and execute tha application, so I
>         think the build
>         went ok but I would like to use it from eclipse.
>         What am I missing?
>         Regards
>         Razvan

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