support for 'var' in lambda parameters

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Wed Sep 27 12:07:01 UTC 2017

I've recently pushed a changeset [1] to enable use of 'var' in lambda 
parameters. Below is some rationale on the implemented support.

In the current (e.g. JDK 9) grammar, we have two versions of lambdas: 
*implicitly*- and *explicitly*-typed. Furthermore, an implicitly typed 
lambda can come in two form (there's no terminology for it, so I'll make 
up one): *compact* and *parenthesized*.

Let's see some examples:

x->x //implicit, compact
(x)->x //implicit, parenthesized
(String x)->x //explicit

So, the first question is - when is it ok to use `var`? There are two 
choices here:

1. allow `var` on all implicit lambdas
2. allow `var` only on implicit parenthesized lambdas

We concluded that (2) is the option that makes more sense - this allows 
for a smooth verbosity curve (see below from most compact to least 

(x)->x //added parens
(var x)->x //added 'var'
(String x)->x //ok, fully typed

Second question: we basically have now two kind of implicitly typed 
parameters - those that omit type info in full (e.g. the formal decl is 
just an identifier) and those using `var`. Can we mix and match between 
these e.g.

(var x, y)->x+y

We have concluded that there's no need to mix and match. In fact, it is 
more likely that one form of implicit parameter declaration will 
supplant the other in the long run.

Third question: what about parameter modifiers such as `final` and/or 
annotations? Historically, such modifiers were not allowed in implicit 
lambda parameters (as those were just identifiers, and it poses several 
parser challenges to e.g. allow annotations there); on the other hand, 
local variables using `var` support both modifiers and annotations. We 
concluded that, for consistency, we have to do the same when `var` 
occurs in a lambda parameter.

Last question: can I mix implicit an explicit parameters?

(var x, String y)-> x + y

While that would be nice, it must be noted that this is a much deeper 
change, with ramifications in overload selection, since implicit and 
explicit lambdas are currently two disjoint sets, with very different 
behavior w.r.t. overload resolution (see definitions of 'pertinent to 
applicability' in JLS For that reason, we won't go down 
there now (but it's something worth considering in the future).


[1] -

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