help with changes to hotspot runtime to implement sealed types

Vicente Romero vicente.romero at
Wed Dec 12 02:32:50 UTC 2018

On 12/11/18 9:21 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Vincente,
> On 12/12/2018 11:53 am, Vicente Romero wrote:
>> Hi HS runtime,
>> I'm working on the implementation of sealed types one of the projects 
>> under the Amber umbrella. A sealed type is one that can only be 
>> subtyped by a set of classes declared by the sealed type in Java:
>> final class Sealed permits Sub {}
>>     class Sub extends Sealed {}
> This has evolved :) I was expecting it to be restricted to subclassing 
> by nestmates.

:) yep

>> Both Sealed and Sub can coexist in the same compilation unit, package 
>> or module. The class file for Sealed have an attribute named 
>> PermittedSubtypes that contains a list with the, well, permitted 
>> subtypes. In the case of the example it will be Sub only. On top of 
>> that class Sealed will be final. So when loading / parsing class file 
>> for Sub, we need to check, given that its supertype is final, if Sub 
>> is listed as one of the permitted subtypes of Sealed or fail in other 
>> case. And here is when I'm finding a roadblock. Currently the VM 
>> doesn't allow any class to subtype a final class and this is checked at:
>> ClassFileParser::post_process_parsed_stream
>> so I removed the code that was doing this check at `ClassFileParser` 
>> and created a separate method to do the checking at InstanceKlass 
>> with the idea of enforcing the check after the class file was parsed 
>> and the given class loaded. But regardless of my intents I always get 
>> a SOE. The SOE happens when the subclass ask the super class if the 
>> subclass is listed as one of its permitted subtypes. To answer this, 
>> the superclass tries to load the subclass so I have a deadlock that I 
>> suspect could be hard to solve, if possible. Please see attached what 
>> I have done so far. Any ideas?
> +      if (name == k->name()) {
> +        log_trace(class, sealed)("- Found it at 
> permitted_subtypes[%d] => cp[%d]", i, cp_index);
> +        // names match so check actual klass - this may trigger class 
> loading if
> +        // it doesn't match (but that should be impossible)
> +        Klass* k2 = _constants->klass_at(cp_index, CHECK_false);
> You can't check the actual class in your case as if the names match 
> then it refers to the subclass you are currently trying to load.

and what should I do? just check by name without doing:

Klass* k2 = _constants->klass_at(cp_index, CHECK_false);

> HTH,
> David

>> Thanks,
>> Vicente
>> PD, the code runs with no error with the slowdebug configuration

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