Can we have Either class in Java languare?

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Fri Apr 5 19:37:17 UTC 2019

The motivation for Optional was not so much that we wanted to provide the One Official Maybe Monad for Java (in fact, this was the worst part of doing Optional); it was that the JDK APIs needed a better way to indicate a possibly-empty return value.  Since I think the chance is about zero that JDK APIs will migrate from exceptions to Either, this motivation will not be carrying Either into the JDK any time soon…..  

> On Apr 5, 2019, at 3:03 PM, Владимир Шумихин <androiden3201 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Java 8 has introduced a new class Optional -
> This is
> an incredibly useful tool that allows us to avoid NullPointerException.
> There is another very attractive monad. I'm talking about
> Either monad/class. This tool allows us to explicitly handle errors without
> using checked exceptions.
> There are multiple implementations Either in 3-d party libraries:
> 1)
> 2)
> 3)
> So, there is one problem with 3-d party libraries. We have multiple
> implementations Either in classpath of applications, but we have to convert
> one Either to another one.
> Is there any chance that we will have Either in Java SE?
> Thank you for response.

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